Can we get account wide ignore?

That’s how systems work, yes. Code needs to be adjusted to expand features.

This isn’t the horror show you think it is. Technically every forum post we make is a change in code. We just don’t see it.

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yeah and that’s what i am most apprehensive about - the diablo four clan real name incident resulted from a change in coding, so i think it’s best to just not implement anymore coding changes until blizzard can say for certain that they know what caused the diablo 4 real names to appear and that they know how to prevent it from happening again.

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One mistake does not revoke a coder’s ability to code. It’s a mistake. Someone just didn’t notice the bug until it went live, which is something that happens all the time. Plus, since it already happened once, I’m rather sure they’d be hypervigilant about such a situation arising again.

Can they promise a bug-free update? No, but then no one can, because no one finds the bugs that aren’t known until they’re found.

I’m pretty sure it is one of the regular sock puppets.


Later Satheenseth/Doobly/Uulomul/Khrog


Interesting point is even block and ignore people here from time to time can that person would see that person response in GD,How are we assured the block and ignore wouldn’t have our real id shown to the public when they add the account wide ignore just like what happen to D4? People don’t want their info shown to the public.

Does block-and-ignore show our real information now? No. There’d be no reason to showcase the account name or BTag with an ignore, but even then there isn’t inherently identifiable information in them (unless you went and named your account or BTag your actual name, something every single entity screams at you NOT TO DO).

Ignoring someone is not going to lead to a breach in privacy, not on its own.

Hopefully not,but I’ll wait to hear from Blizzard to be sure.

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For the cause


Again, this is all behind-the-scenes in the code. Nothing new would be displayed to the end-user.

that’s exactly what i’m saying… i would feel more comfortable if blizzard were to release a statement explaining what went wrong with the diablo four real name situation and telling us what they steps they have taken in order to prevent it from ever happening again.

which is all the more reason we should hold off on anymore coding changes until blizzard knows why and how it happened.


Not every coding glitch needs to have a press conference explaining it. Even as unfortunate as that was, it’s still a simple glitch. A semicolon might be out of place, or a placeholder wasn’t properly defined. Depends on the coding language they’re using.

The point is you don’t freeze development or advancement just because of a simple glitch.

it wasn’t just a simple glitch… people’s real first and last names were shared with the entire diablo 4 community.

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They all are giving possibilities of why it shouldn’t be done.

Are these things possible well yes anything is possible . Heck we could all possibly get wiped out by nukes tomorrow .

Will it happen ? Probably not and there probably won’t be any problems wit hadding account wide ignores.

Heck when I was growing up I didn’t need the internet to find a random strangers first and last name , phone number and address all I needed was .

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While unfortunate, that’s not game- or app-breaking. It’s a ‘whoops’ at most in the coding world.

i would certainly hope that the company who has promised to safeguard our private information doesn’t look at the diablo 4 incident as a “whoops”.


it was never a the info was always private players just seen their own names not releasing it was only on their end

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Better to be safe then sorry,I’ll wait.

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That’s the thing, they’ve probably looked at it internally and reviewed future updates to not have that happen anymore.

Plus, if you’re so terrified of that happening here, recall that that was the Diablo team and now the WoW Forums team. They have entirely different dev crews, so whatever the Diablo team says wouldn’t apply to the WoW forums anyway.

You don’t know what happened on their end.

Why is anyone talking about this in the context of this thread? It has nothing to do with it…

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