Can we get account wide ignore?

Nah, and even then, I just would ignore it, i dont care. I also ignore responses to my posts when it’s clear the person asking a question didnt bother to read it. (and no, that wasn’t directed AT you…it happened earlier in a different thread)

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That is all we are trying to do. If we choose to ignore someone, that means we don’t want to see their or their alts’ posts. We’re not trying to stalk someone, or gossip, or otherwise denigrate them. We want to ignore them.


Yep,four days ago,gg.

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If I’m not interested in hearing one-note garbage-talkers

Alright well if anyone is still interested in my opinion, and more than a one-note contribution, I just wanted to say something serious, I do thank people for warning me that earlier in this thread I was probably oversharing, as this is something that it’s tempting to do online,

I actually did pay the price for that earlier this year, as someone I thought would be my friend no matter what, tried to take advantage of my financial situation, so it was a valuable lesson to me to be careful, and I know even this statement alone is probably oversharing in itself, but the reason I am sharing it is purely to demonstrate that you have all validated my point…that internet privacy is very important.

But building online privacy into our daily lives is an ongoing effort that requires constant vigilance, this isn’t about me trying to force myself onto people that I feel have rejected me as a person like some people think, I couldn’t care two hoots who doesn’t want to know me and who wants to put me on ignore, sure sometimes rejection can hurt, but not everyone in life is going to appreciate you. That said, I do feel its cruel in some cases for some people to ignore/block someone or ditch a friendship without reason or explanation,

What I am much more concerned about though is information or rumors about me getting back to people I actually like and respect, the reality is, many of us have personal things about ourselves that we don’t want other people to know, it also doesn’t matter how many times people on here say ‘oh I just want to ignore that person, that’s all’, reality is, that’s the position of the pro-account wide ignore in this thread but that doesn’t matter.

There will always be one person that if they know who ALL your alts if they decide they don’t like you will go trying to trash your reputation in front of other people, to me saying ‘if you care about your reputation don’t be mean to people then’ is a non-argument as people will exaggerate and twist the truth because they don’t like you, especially if you consider the fact that we live in a competitive world where people compete for resources, relationships, jobs, you name it,

WoW is no exception to the rule, wow is an e-sports like game these days with mythic+ and all, this isn’t a game about cooperation like Final Fantasy 14, I’m sorry if I sound off the planet, but it doesn’t matter, as honestly, I am not too fussed, wow is dying for real this time I think, only reason I didn’t go to Diablo 4 and other games like everyone else is that I am still saving up for a better computer,

Anyway thanks for reading this but I know most people don’t care about my opinion at this point so I am going to go back into the shadows now and resist the temptation to post again for a while


But you don’t want them to be able to actually ignore you, just one specific alt

So, kind of a fib there

So the thing they’re doing now, I guess, and won’t be changed at all by account wide ignores?

You really do just say a lot that has no bearing on the topic

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Obviously whoever designed it never thought to get into the kind of altercations that would require account wide ignores.

Oh and there is the RP elements which many pro-supports are happy to bin at this stage.

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Nice story, but it doesn’t matter in the context of this. You’re warning against a slippery slope so unlikely to happen that its chances are basically zero. One someone goes on the ignore list, almost no one is going to see if any ‘bonus’ names got added alongside the initial target.

Also, if you’re so toxic that I feel other people need to be warned about you, then maybe your rep should take a hit among your friends; many of mine would be quite dismayed if I spouted toxicity and garbage en masse, even if I’d never do so to their faces. So guess how I handle that ‘threat’?

I don’t do it.


What RP element is served by an ignore? That’s as anti-RP as it gets; you’re effectively choosing to shut down communication with that player.


Why is it that a feature, something that every other forum has that is not present here, is considered evil and should not happen here?


If they changed it where you can only post with one character, then that would ruin the RP aspects since you’d be stuck with only a single set of armor, gear or appearance out of the several dozens races you could pick from.

What does any of that have to do with account-wide ignore?

If you just don’t want to react to a post by another player, then don’t.

It all depends on whether or not Blizzard follows these suggestions to the letter.

Which I don’t see them doing anyway, since they’d prefer doing things their way.

The suggested account-wide ignore wouldn’t prevent players from posting on alts, it would prevent them from using alts to keep talking to people that want to ignore that player.

Well,to be honest,if that glitched happen 4 days ago in Blizzard system even for several minutes you wouldn’t have to worry about the ignore ,it’s out there already.

Didn’t they admit that basically to keep the feature where you could choose your posting character that the prior forums had, that it broke some of discourse’s systems in making that change, and that’s why it’s a weird mixture where most features are separate by character, but there’s a unified account behind it for the big stuff like bans and silences.


I don’t get how RP is a separate issue other than if a change locks us down to one posting character, which can still be worked around pretty easily. And RP can be especially disrupted by bad actors who just want to throw noise and mess up someone’s thread. So that would be served by making it harder to keep disrupting that rp.

Which comes with its own host of issues when posters decide that ignore should include players who simply don’t have the same view as theirs.

I mean, that’s not for anyone else to decide. If someone wants to ignore you, they should have the means to. It doesn’t delete your post from the forum, it just prevents a specific individual from reading it.


They already have the means.

What’s being asked for will create more complex issues that will fundamentally undermine the purpose of these forums.

They have the means to do it against an individual character. I don’t want to ignore an individual character, because characters aren’t players. If the player behind the keyboard is a garbage person, I don’t want to hear them, no matter what character they try to post on.


See, I’m not a forum troll nor do I go out of my way to harass others here. So, I have nothing to worry about.

Can’t say the same for certain other people though…