Can we get account wide ignore?

As long as people can avoid taking the bait and learn to ignore the bad actors, I dont see why not

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Man the OP of this thread was right, we should have account wide ignores

I dunno how someone thinks they should be allowed to control what other people see, it’s kind of weird


As I suspected.

They proved to be a liar, yet again.


I don’t know why this isn’t/wasn’t a thing to begin with because we are individual people so our ignores, likes, posts, flags, etc. should be tied to us that way whether it’s account based where we pick a character and post, a nickname we choose, they use our battletag, etc. it should be centric to being account wide.

Not to mention all other Blizzard forums work this way already and it’s fine so the fact WoW ones don’t is still just weird honestly.


Blizzard made the choice to allow people to post on their different characters for RP purposes. Then the trolls said “oh now we can troll on various characters and force people to ignore our individual characters, let the chaos commence!”

Blizzard made a very poor decision on this matter in the beginning and that’s why we are trying to get them to implement this proposed system.

I swear that human mage seems familiar… is that the mage that got blasted in the forums a few years ago for months worth of temper tantrums? I know it was pyro(something) because they were mocking that lore streamer I think.

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It should have worked this way from the very beginning. I’m ok with forum ignore being separate from game ignore…sure it would be NICE if they were linked together but that’s a wish list item and it’s not a big deal.

If you ignore someone in-game, it should be at the level. All of their characters. And ignore should be account wide for all your characters too.

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this is a genuine concern that everyone should consider when deciding whether or not to add account wide ignore to the wow forums… it is one of the main reasons i am apprehensive about it.

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My count shows 5510. :melting_face:

They fixed the bug. It doesn’t show anymore.

but the issue is that there was a bug, an unintended glitch, implemented that showed people’s real names (first and last).

so, i’m just apprehensive of any forum changes because there is a possibility that the same bug/glitch occurs and then people will be able to view everyone’s first and last names on the forums.

Even if it gets fixed relatively fast, forum users that were active at the time will know people’s real names.

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LOL!! sorry to laugh but that’s what the forums have been about for a long time.

From the earliest days I was on this forum, the BC/wrath fanboys were always talking about how back in their day things were so much better that anyone that didn’t play wow during BC/wrath should feel bad as they missed WoW at it’s peak etc etc etc.

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Do you even read my responses?

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Wrong mage there were several different pyros. But go please look it up I would like to know. :grin:

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When was this? I’ve never heard of this :eyes:

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from what i’ve seen, people have started reporting it about 4 days ago - october 17, 2023

What! holy of mighty,now i’m scared.


yeah just google “diablo 4 clans show people’s real names.” You’ll see people discussing it on reddit and the diablo forums, etc.

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let me look that up.

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Uh… So you just weren’t here for the BT fiasco? Or the LGBT rep controversies? Or when Pelagos was revealed as trans? Or any of the other situations where something non cis-het showed up? 'Cause, uh…

Yeah. There was some vile nonsense spewed.

I didn’t know an ignore function deleted posts off of the forum.


Hey, guess what? If I’m not interested in hearing one-note garbage-talkers, I should be able to easily ignore them until I feel like they’ve come to their senses or at least stopped drinking for the night.