Can we get account wide ignore?

Google can be slightly better, especially right after a big thread gets deleted since the deleted thread may remain in google’s cache.

That is one fine answer to a question . :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
oh a block .ok. “what are you hiding”

For those that don’t know you can’t place ignore on a blocked person. so the conversation is only one way. We need to get rid of something here.

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The fact that people should know how to behave on the forums, but seems to ask what is the right way to behaving is baffling.

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You shouldn’t behave like that ,people come here to ask questions.

Oh, but you think you have the right to behave the way you have been? Acting like people shouldn’t be ignoring anyone because “it’s a public forum”?


So you have the right to dictate a person by calling a person question stupid? oh wow.

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Asking someone how to behave on the forums is like asking the police how to not commit a crime. It is basically common sense. Surely you do understand that…

K then. Enjoy the ignore list.


I come here to share my enjoyment of the game, not listen to tools that tell me the game is bad and I should feel bad for enjoying it.

Yes, according to you, they have that right. Don’t like it, avail your self of the ignore feature.

nvm. I found out. Had to go to the armory to place on ignore.

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So if the person ask it’s the same.

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They still going at it, or just random nonsense from someone else?

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Yes please! Account wide ignore would be wonderful.


Usually it’s those few posts to get an idea who the alt belongs to then they go into the Nope Box (ignore)

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You were saying ?

All a person has to do is click on their icon up top like they were checking likes . Double click om the banner symbol on the right below the :blue_heart: symbol where they go to their Summary/activity page. Click on preferences and when the page changes click on users and the box opens and you add them manually


There should be an ignore icon instead of going through all those loops and hoops and some are unaware that this exists.

The problem is the forum definition of user is character.


I agree they need to make it easier and since they already know what toons go with what accounts , it shouldn’t be that hard to add an a check box to give people a choice if they want to ignore toon or account.

:green_square: Ignore Character
:white_check_mark: Ignore Account


They should have everything linked to the account. Including ignores.


Think we can make it to 5000?