Can we get account wide ignore?

You can block your forum profile, you can not block your armory page.


Read below that post ,why are you repeating this?

You can even look up post history of blocked toons. Takes a little work and Google.

Dang, why do people do so much to find people back grounds is beyond me,that is a waste of time.

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Don’t even need Google, you can do it with the forum search function.

I don’t. The fact that some people though tend to go ahead and create new toons, try and fully hide themselves by all means, to continue with the same behaviour they’ve done that got people to placed them on ignore…

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So people use the search feature to hunt people on their alts, oh no wonder .this is a catch 22 then. it is and it isn’t.

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By whose standards though?

Aside from the forum code of conduct, what is an example of ‘acting right’?

Sad thing is I am not personally fussed either way which side of the arguments win or loses, WoW isn’t as fun as it used to be so the result no longer matters, I could be wrong, it’s hard to tell as Blizzard isn’t showing their sub numbers, but the feedback I am getting from some in the community is that they aren’t fussed with Dragonflight.

I do recall Blizzard calling out ‘degenerate player behavior’ once or twice in the past due to a poorly designed system. I think it was things like in previous expansions, how there was no incentive for a tank to finish a run on normal mode, people would just get the gear or quest item they wanted, then take off.

It’s been my observation that simply calling everyone on the opposite side of the argument a ‘troll’ is not effective.

In my opinion, the person’s argument should speak for itself on a public forum.

Well that’s Blizzard’s decision, but I did read somewhere in this thread that they’ve taken that stance too far in Diablo 4 with people’s real names being revealed, in my opinion that’s going too far in the opposite direction…you might say this isn’t about revealing someone’s name, but Blizzard have a tendency to go too far the other way whenever we ask for change.

Sometimes WoW has been the world of dailies, but an expansion later it was the complete opposite.

Well that’s exactly something we have to think about and be careful and why we should take care of our social media use, I remember once I thought one of my social accounts was completely private, but in reality it wasn’t.

Great care one must take when posting on any social media platform, regardless of how anonymous you think you are.


A member of the Customer Support did say that Blizzard is aware of the current limitations on the forums, and do want to update them. But it isn’t something easy said than done, due to having to function everything to still accommodate the aesthetics. In otherwords, still accomadating the option to post from our characters while removing the limitations of the forums, to treat the BNet account as the accound, rather than the character-server as the account, which is what the forums does at the moment.

Yes, via within the clans. But I don’t think this was done intentionally. But we’re not talking about Diablo 4 or clans in D4, we’re talking about the World of Warcraft forums.


The reason we can spot certain people when they switch is because people have patterns in how they do things.

THey get one to ignored and hop onto a new one and repeat the same things that got them ignored before.


Oh I know I was trolled by one. Still looking them up is a waste on time.

I’ll do a periodic check sometimes but usually I wait for a few posts to know who they are .

Doobly and Lilithia are the worst

Welll when they keep changing toons to get around other people’s ignores what else would you call them


You don’t even have to google it, you can use the basic search function on the forum.

Seriously, you should know what is the right way to behave here on the forums. Such a stupid question to ask. While people can ignore people for any or no reason, when the ignore does get pulled. I can’t speak on behalf of Avarie, but I use my ignore to a select few who chose to troll the forums, sockpuppet, or harass others.

Because by ignoring them, it is putting me as a better person in not feeding the behaviour. Yes, I do flag as well, but here is another problem.

People can also use there alts to switch around to flag the same person again, until the person post is hidden. This is another forum privilege that absolutely should not be abused. Yes, Moderation sometimes gets people who do it, but they don’t get everyone who does it.

But getting back on topic, you should know what acting right is. It is behaving properly on the forums, and not using the forums as your own personal playground to troll, sockpuppet or harass other people here on the forums.


Well acting by the code of conduct and just general human decency ought to do it.

Don’t stalk or harass people, don’t be a bigot, don’t swap characters to pretend to be someone else when people block you, that sort of thing.

And honestly, I wouldn’t care if someone chose to ignore my entire account even if they just didn’t like seeing my posts. Who cares? I wouldn’t even notice.

Some people seem straight up pressed that not everyone will have to read their toxic takes if they don’t want to, but they aren’t owed an audience or a platform for that in the first place. My sympathy for those who want to swap characters to force hatred down the throats of others is entirely non existent.


can’t wait till they make this happen it’s inevitable at this point :+1:


Definitely needs to be a system like this because there are alot of air-heads that contribute nothing to the conversation or discussion of many topics. Just parrot childish sentences and try to act like a moron on the internet, as much as I enjoy circuses, I don’t wanna see a clown everywhere I go on these forums.


People against account wide ignore: You should endure bullying, abuse, toxcity, trolling and harassment. Don’t like it leave the forums if you can’t take it. I have a right to walk around your ignore and invade your privacy and go ha ha in your face.

Ya know, it’s funny how none of them complain about the other Blizzard forums being account wide ignore or any other forums and social media having this feature.

Your not being blocked from the rest of the world with ignore just that one person.

If people put me on ignore, in my mind it’s “bye” :wave: c ya no sweat off my back. Blizzard can see my arguments and opinions as well as others can see.

When devs accused the WoW community for being toxic they weren’t wrong. They got this assumption from reading the forums.

If people feel in a way that most people are going to put you on ignore, it’s a sign that a change of attitude is ordered . People don’t want negative energy coming their way, people get enough of that in RL.

EDIT: There should be an easier way to ignore besides going to preferences and profile page. Put a button somewhere next to the share icon so it’s easy for the user to put someone on ignore.


From past experience, you’ll get nowhere. Too much of a headache to try and understand them for more than a few posts. Nothing makes sense.