Can we get account wide ignore?

Because his info was not block at the time? lol

Public profile is blocked ,the mystery is afoot.
LOL,what time now?

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Listen, I gave you an example with some context. I don’t care if you doubt me. Was just trying to be friendly about it. >.>


A profile is only hidden, not blocked. All that does is remove the link to the character’s Armory page. The page is still there and it is still accessible. There no mystery.


this still wont work unless we do a fresh start bc then ull find out ppls alts with this.
no one here wants to be outted lol. man itll be hilarious how many alts already in this topic alone outted lol.

Stuff like that already happens. You can change alts but can’t change mannerisms.

Is this the ridiculously convuluted system of ignoring and then scouring the forums for ignored people, that currently doesn’t work reliably, and with changes in ignore may not even be possible after a change is made?

Then how does a person know 850?

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there’s post counts right below the first post in a thread, so doobly is the #1 poster still with 600 some on just that character.

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669 then where’s the other ones in this thread? Btw,not see this Doobly at all in the thread does this mean people can be track even alts in a thread?

That would an interesting drama.

Eh, I’m not too big into trying to figure out which worthless posters are just the same person sockpuppeting. Not worth my time. But Uul adds on 131 posts to bring it to an even 800 and while they’re definitely 2 separate sock accounts (one just has graves, the other just murkastrasza as their singular pets, and the new evoker has no pets) but the posting styles have some major overlap, so good chance they’re all the same.

But mainly I was just responding to you to point out that’s how people are seeing how many posts they’ve made in threads.

So,I don’t see them posting and not on ignore but they are posting in the thread and the count goes to them? Wow,what a way to farm counts.

They’re essentially guessing its one person.

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Alright but that’s an example of witch-hunting being encouraged.

I can’t believe people actually still believe this after all this time.

Look at their summary 602 posts read.


I know people can be looked up in the armory but with no evidence in between them that’s not proof but it enlightens the fact people are hunting the person .So this in it self does support the need for and against the need for account wide ignore,either way it isn’t a solution to the problem, but can be an encouragement to do so.


there’s no need for this anyway. If people can’t deal with differing opinions and lightweight trolls then they need to get off the internet. There’s not even any good trolling here anymore, it’s been years since we’ve had a good trolls, people just think differing opinions are trolling.

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I have to agree it is a self control issue, best course is to ignore and walk the other way and not react. Yet it is a hard lesson to learn in this madden world we live in,we are human and since this is a practice we have done all our lives in the real world it is hard to distance it from the internet.

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