Can we get account wide ignore?

Wait, really? Take about commitment to being a troll…

Yeah, according to the tells and mail he sent me in game.

It’s a physically different license they are posting under now.
The problem is… well… they will find out.

According to the SFAs on the CS forums, they can tell. They have extensive logs and tools, and are good at detecting stuff like that. They can even tell if an account is going through a VPN. Trolls like that also think they can get away by falsifying account information, which results in immediate account closure. Blizzard isn’t stupid…


Exactly . Seeing how if someone gets a forum vacation it is the entire account and not just the toon .

They can use this to give an option for when people go to ignore it they want to ignore the toon or the account the toon is tied to .

Another thing they need is a text box to go with flags so detailed reasons of why the person is being flagged. This is especially true for ones saying It’s a real life threat.

Those should be backed up with actual proof because some in the past have used those to get people silenced when they were never threatened (T-Squad)

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A contextual field may certainly help.

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I’ve placed you on ignore on Doobley, I’ve placed you on ignore on Uul, I’ve placed you on ignore with every single other alt of yours. How many more times does people have to keep placing you on ignore.

Account wide ignores please Blizzard. This is getting far more ridiculous that the same person keeps switching between alts, trying to pretend to be someone else, to continue the same nonsense.

Also, back to the ignore list you go.


As a player, there is no way to be 100% sure. But if you suspect someone might be violating the forum CoC, you can report them and let the Blizzard mods figure out it. If you’re right, they’ll meet it the appropriate sanction. If your wrong, then no harm, no foul. The Support Forum Agents in the CS forum have explained that that there’s really no such thing as flag abuse.

Really, lets put an end to this Scooby-Doo BS and reveal the person behind the masks.

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ruh roh Raggy


Like, zoinks, Draac!

I don’t think the wider forum wants witch hunting to become an actual thing.


All joking aside, these suggestions are anything but witch hunting.

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  1. a campaign directed against a person or group holding views considered unorthodox or a threat to society.

“he claimed he was the victim of a media witch-hunt”

Just replace society with forum.

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Good thing none of that is happening, just people wanting to be able to ignore a whole person

But I guess telling the truth really isn’t going to help fight against account wide ignores


Honestly whatever to this. You want to split hairs about whether identifying a character as an alt is a witch-hunt? Go ahead, argue your snoot off. But the rest of this is not a witch hunt.

Then you condemn this?


To be fair you’d still need to ignore that one separately since they went out and made a whole new account for that one.

Oh no, people are sick of someone being obnoxious and forcing themselves into other’s attention against their will, that’s the bad thing here, yep.

If its reached the point where witch hunts become acceptable then one has to ask if its worth keeping a forum around. Otherwise the only other conclusion to be drawn is that these issues are overblown and doesn’t present itself as a compromising threat to the functionality of the WoW forums.

I mean, I’m good with Blizzard blinking the forums out of existence.