Can we get account wide ignore?

I do. and $5 says the person behind the screen there has posted the most in this thread.



As for their facts


what is this from I MUST KNOW

tbh I have no clue. Just looking at gifs and found this

Looks like some court thing?

But it’s a kid, so… I really want to know what they be hearin’

It’s Judge Judy as a kid. She started really young.

There is this…

Circumventing a Suspension / Ban

This category includes:

  • Posting on another account
  • Having someone post on your behalf

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be permanently banned from posting on the forums

Well, that would apply if they are sidestepping a suspension or ban… not sure if that’s the case in this thread?


Don’t you mean Whack-a-Troll :grin:

Just report his posts, Blizzard has the data and can make the call. To me, it’s quite obvious.

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The issue is, these forums treat different toons as different accounts until someone gets banned, then all on the account banned can’t post.

No, Whack-a-Gnoll.

Eh, I’ll hold off. Would rather be certain myself before making the call to flag.

yea we know it’s trolling but tbh I dont think false flagging is how you fix the issue. It is against CoC to false flag people

Welcome back Khrog er I mean Doobly

Think it came off more as blind-flagging, instead of false-flagging…

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yea. Well in any case looks like people decided to flag anyways. Guessing Khrogs going to have another holiday coming up for trolling

It’s not false flagging, he’s had 3-4 accounts banned for doing the same thing.


Yeah, there’s a difference between false flagging and legit flagging that the mods don’t think hits the level for punishment