Can we get account wide ignore?

I agree and we wouldn’t learn much from it,I rather keep an open mind than have a door shut the middle of a conversation.

But let’s say the door is shut and another enter goes straight to you with an abusive opinion the other person just finished. You don’t know that person it becomes an shocking experience .

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I’ve been able to verify this on the Diablo 3 forums (looks like it shows btag there?) and most likely on the Starcraft forums (there’s no profile on classic but there is on SC2, displaying player name without btag discriminator).

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Bro unironically says he’d block everyone

Want to prevent other people from doing something cuz he’s got problems with evertyhing

If I see someone reply to me that my take is bad, my first instinct is to hear out why is my take is bad.

If someone wants to discuss or debate me while being civil, I’m all for it.

But if someone is coming to me with insults, being toxic, attacking me and not interested in a civil discussion then my instinct is to ignore them (and report if the individual is too toxic) because simply put, They didn’t provide any meaningful discussion and all they did is to be toxic.

There is a difference between someone wanting an actual discussion and someone just want to get at you and provide nothing of value to a discussion by just being toxic.


personally, i dont think that account wide ignore would be a good idea for the forums.

after reading through everything here and all the posts, my conclusion is that account wide ignore should not come to the world of warcraft forums

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Fresh Evoker, no posts but this one, no guild…

This screams sock-puppet alt. Not guaranteed, but very dang likely.


The way they talk gives away who more than likely it is honestly, if they are gonna try to pretend to be someone else they shouldn’t talk the same way on every new alt, lol.


Oh look, a freshly made character copying and pasting the same thing the other freshly made characters are copying and pasting.

But thank you for supporting just how important account wide ignore is. :smiley:


No way you read through all 4k+ if this is your first time in the thread.

Worded just like your other posts.


Thank you for your continued practical support by providing examples of the need of unified forum accounts.


This thread has really gone some places…


i did take my time and made sure to read every post so that i could understand the decision-making process from both sides - those who wanted account wide ignore and those who do not want account wide ignore.

after reading all of that and carefully thinking about the arguments of both sides, i did decide to agree with the side that does not want account wide ignores… i believe the arguments against account wide ignore are quite compelling.

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presses X to doubt

Seriously… maybe you can cite which ones were particularly compelling?


Oh love this ,better than a spy movie.

… I dunno, I think True Lies is better than this whole thing went…

“Joined 2 hours ago”

OK pal.


Good Lord… He’s back. I guess people don’t learn, what is this? Like his 3rd or 4th account?


i made sure to read every post here to make sure i understand why each side has adopted the stance that they did…

i didn’t post until I had carefully read through all the dialogue.

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Right now, there are very clear benefits to such a system:

  • Ties individuals’ forum behavior and record to the account, rather than any number of characters that can be cycled/recycled as needed
  • Expanding over the above, this means that if the person is flagged and the moderators decide action is needed for the flagged post, the action will apply to the person, not just the character it was made under
  • Prevents the switching of characters to obtain fresh amounts of likes and/or post flags
  • Building from above, prevents one account from using multiple characters to flag and hide a post on its own
  • If expanded to trust levels, would allow a player to maintain the benefits of a good posting record without losing them on character change
  • From the ignore perspective, if any other poster decides that interaction with the person isn’t warranted, they can choose to ignore the account, rather than the person as currently required; this does not have to show or otherwise indicate the account or other characters on it