Can we get account wide ignore?

His april fools video from a few years ago was great. IYKYK


I did.
I told you that my issue with it is much larger. It’s another behavior that mimics unrealistic real-life scenarios that just don’t happen.
Also, I think you’re the only one who has been super-specific about the stuff you don’t want to read – racism (which I guess I just haven’t really noticed on here??? and people talking about conversion therapy–which it’s not that I don’t believe someone on here may have said something like that, I am just flaggergasted that something like that would even COME UP on these forums–what was the “trigger” so to speak that would have brought something like that even up?)

The other people trying to come up with their reasons eitehr say that they don’t need them (fine, but if you ask for something, you kinda do) or they don’t want to be “harrassed,” but yet they are defining harrassment as just reading posts they don’t like–which is NOT harassment. These defenses fall short and then it just becomes harder and harder to NOT believe my initial suspicion --which is that people only want to ignore because they don’t want to read ANYTHING they don’t like. That’s fine for a customized news feed aimed at you but for a forum, it’s out of place.


Not sure I understand why it matters to you the reasons someone wants to ignore someone else.

I guess you haven’t really been reading anyone’s reasons.

You keep saying

You do know this forum already has an ignore system in place? So this can already happen?

We just want an improved ignore, so if we decide to ignore someone, we ignore the person not the posting character.

It’s our decision and we can ignore someone for whatever reason, or no reason at all.

What do you think about other all the other forums on the internet that have a full ignore, such as the other Blizzard game forums?


Hmm,I see now .lol cute.

Well… as I found yesterday… he’s against a improved system because then he couldn’t sockpuppet support his own threads with alts by pretending to be another user. 1 Ignore would block his whole account… as it should.


The trigger does not matter. It came up. End-of.

Believable but it has been seen.

No, they are not claiming this. If someone is bypassing an ignore to force something to come up in view, then essentially it IS harassment.

You’re painting those asking for this as narcissistic, and that’s dangerous here.


Some people sure do get upset over the concept people may not want to listen to them


Most self important adult toddlers act the same way:


The human mind is an amazing organ ,stored memories sometimes are trigger by even one word,it is no different than in the forums here,it is an work of tangent thoughts. If I were to text on a subject it would be reviewed in many ways by a receiver and processed through those memories. That is true even here. There is no discussion if there is no neutral ground to stand on.

I fail to see ignore as harassment but I do understand when there’s a wall people hit when people ask and are ignored. Imo,this is not this type of ignore presented here but a needed ignore for the large part to control the abuse of the ignore being used in the forum ,yet it can be used as said control feature as you said.

Stands on the side watches the adult having a fit,

“You done yet, that’s cute”

The discussion has been anything but cute, really. So many of us have tried to explain why this is the best way forward (especially considering this forum behaves different from all the other Blizzard game forums). Yet we’re met with (paraphrased) “You want to control”, “You want to silence”, etc.

I just want to have a place where, if I come to discuss the game and someone decides to post something horrible, I can flag the post, ignore the account, and not have to interact with them again.

No one should be forced to keep playing Whack-a-Gnoll in such situations.


I think If I ignored every poster that made …comments that I thought were ridiculous; eventually I’d never see anyone’s posts. That wouldn’t be enjoyable at all.

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I’m not talking about ridiculous posts. I’m talking about the specifically horrendous posting that some of us here have been dealing with.


That’s a You issue.


If it woudlnt defeat the purpose of what you’re trying to say; I’d ask for links where this has actually happened. But, I don’t want to add fuel to that. I guess I’ll just have to believe you. The mods are pretty on top of stuff though… I’ve had posts flagged as inapprorpriate only to have them later restored by mods becuase they didnt break ToS; they were just “unpopular” so they got flagged–which just bolsters my beliefs that there are people on here who really really don’t like being challeged at all

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I’m not here to throw cold water on the idea that anyone can be like what you say. But the way you’ve responded to this idea seemed to point to those of us here as being of that type.

I’m sure that no one likes to be challenged, but I don’t consider talking down on me (as an example, not claiming you did so) for my orientation or gender identity, or making general comments that are then implied about all people of that orientation or gender identity, to be “challenging” me or those like me. Most of those are just a hair’s breadth away from mocking, or even espousing open hatred. I see enough of that in reality, it shouldn’t be here too.

An account-wide ignore would address whether or not we run the risk of seeing a particular person doing so in the future.


Meh, I’m actually fine with it, I just wanted to make the point that I am not sure it will prevent what you want it to.

But, anyway—I went over to the OW forum and it looks and behaves EXACTLY like this one, am I missing something? Does it actually have account-wide ignore?

The other forums use Battle Net ID, you ignore the ID, you ignore the account.


If you look at that forum, the profiles for each poster point to the player. On the random one I opened, it had PC stats, then when clicking on the button for Console, it says there is no data on console for this account yet.

What’s that have to do with an account-wide ignore?

Who said people want to ignore others for ridiculous posts? You seem to assume that’s what everyone does. That point is moot anyway because the current ignore feature we have can do this.

Yes as well as all the other Blizzard forums.