Can we get account wide ignore?

I think I found their argument


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The only thing getting worse, Ard, are your goofy, nonsensical ‘arguments’.


There’s no argument or debate that automatically denies or guarantees the implementation of account wide ignores.

Blizzard will do what they will.

Are we back to that now? "I don’t have to present an intelligent or cogent argument, because Blizzard will do what they will. "

That just tells us that you do realize how ridiculous you sound.


It is Blizzard who owns and runs these forums.

Not us.

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And now the part where you needlessly state the obvious.


while changing the topic yet again


If this was a clear-cut issue, then it would be a straightforward case.

5311 posts later and we’re still nowhere near any kind of resolution.

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You guys know you’re never going to get anywhere with that fox, so why continue feeding that fox?


Pointing fingers isn’t going to get us anywhere or make Blizzard move any faster.

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There are other foxen more deserving of feeding or booping…

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Put it on ignore guys… No point in arguing with it, it’s just trying to be contrarian to troll.

I guess IT hasn’t learn it’s lesson from IT’s last vacation

Oh, wow! A whole week?!? Someone’s been a naughty, naughty boy, Ard. Better mind your P’s and Q’s. If you’re not careful, the mods that you think are too lazy to actually do anything to improve the forum experience are going to ignore you for us.

And wouldn’t that just be a crying shame. :roll_eyes:

Pretty sure it’s a breach of the CoC to discuss those kinds of details.

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You sure? Don’t want to ask you Lightforged friend? :face_with_monocle:

Oh good, you’ve identified that the problem is you. Next step is to resolve it.


They have none. There are several hundred forums out there that use a system where ignoring a user prevents them from having any interaction with you until you choose to unignore them.

Their whole argument is based around being afraid they can’t dance around blocks anymore to continue their nonsense. Take for example Draco. Stumbled over a thread from one of his alts… and he posted on a 2nd character to state he has had the same experiences as the OP. I pointed out that he was the OP… and crickets happened in that thread afterwards. The same nonsense that the T squad did, Titanspit has done, heck… there’s a guy in this thread that has used what… 5 different alts to circumvent blocks to continue his nonsense.

I’m pretty sure arfmcclown is known for saying he’s all for chaos…

He’s never denied he was the problem. He does this on purpose. He’s always been about “chaos”.

Easiest way to resolve it is everyone just stop responding to him. He will do one of two things: Have a temper tantrum again or go sulk in a corner.

He thinks he is the joker when he makes the two boats choose which is going to detonate. And then he snaps when they choose Option C: Neither.

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Oh I have. I put all my troll bait bites back in the cupboard, and made sure the cupboard is locked up with a chain and a few dozen locks.


“Hi, I’m the LockPickingLawyer and today we have…”