Can we get account wide ignore?

No one should ever get a pass for using hate on other characters. If it’s done on one, it should be an account-level mark.

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A flare of a moment ,a slip of a word bang,no game which the person payed for while texting in a forum ,yep, echo chamber and beyond .


What are you going on about?

We’re talking ignores, and making the account consistent, so that you keep your trust levels and post counts no matter what character you post on, and so that people can’t flag a post more than once to trigger an auto-hide by themselves.


Sorry and not sorry,it’s not going to work on me. That is a good reversal on what this is .

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So you’d rather have inconsistent enforcement and punishment. I’m sorry, but I cannot respect that.

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How do you figure?

What does that even mean in this context lmao

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Strikes me as similar to “One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch…and kablooie!”

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Like is he saying it should be fine for people to spout racist remarks?

It comes off more as that the bar needs to be set higher, which… I don’t get why. As it stands, any one of them could get reported or blocked on their current character, jump on another, and carry on.

Are the ones against this so sensitive they have to flag posts long after they were made? Some comments were made here in the past and seemed to be fine, only now they are getting flagged and removed.

I dunno. I’m still trying to understand the implication that ignoring someone on the forums locks them out of the game.

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They do a thorough job of explaining their logic


Logic tends to not work well with their stuff

Gonna say it again…

I come to the forums to SHARE my enjoyment of the game and talk with others that also enjoy the game, not to listen to tools that tell me the game is bad and I should feel bad for playing it.

If you wanna call that an echo chamber, do so, that’s a you issue.

Extending the blocklist won’t help deal with issues of people using characters to purposely bypass ignores to continue with trolling and sockpuppeting. I mean, lets use a prime example, do you remember “T-Squad?”


But you guys’ already part take in your own echo chambers. And that’s been going on for years. So whatever damage you think will be done, has been done. lol


Yes it does have a feature to ignore a person but it doesn’t have a feature that prevents a person from getting around that ignore to keep them from further interacting with the person that ignored them.

We don’t want to ignore a person’s multitude of toons be it their main or their alts as if each one is a different person . We want to ignore the person entirely . It has nothing to do with having differing opinions . Some of us who agree on this disagree on other topics.

There are just some people that some find so toxic and look to constantly stir up trouble. Heck I wouldn’t mind some of the trolls to be honest if any of them were any good but to be honest between 2020 with covid and the changes they made to the forums when they went to the Discourse platform and made it so each toon is it’s own account . The trolling level just sucks .
The idea of trolling now is how many of the same topic threads can people make in one day or how many times can people bypass the ignores someone has put them on or how many times can people keep repeating the same lies that have been proven wrong with actual links when they can’t even back up what they say .

Everyone here has a right to speak as long as they follow the CoC but as far as being heard everyone only has the right to be heard by those that choose to .

How would it ruin a persons account?
We are just asking for each person to have the ability to ignore entire accounts here in the forum . Ignoring doesn’t prevent a person from speaking only Blizz can do that .


You’ll have to elaborate since I don’t have any agreements, pacts or dealings with anyone on these forums.

It’ll just get worse then.

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I still have yet to see a concrete argument against account-level ignores or other account-level tracks. Everything thus far is just saying it’ll make things worse, without actually exemplifying how it can or will. All that’s coming up is anecdotal argument. Every item cited to support account-level ignores has been rooted in the current status quo and can be verified.

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