Can we get account wide ignore?

I mean when you make up opinions for people you can make up whatever you like I suppose.

If people don’t want their entire account ignored, they could just act right in the first place.


It’s an internet forum, not anyone’s platform. No one owes you attention even if it is a public forum,

You mean like when you accuse others of wanting admin powers and create an echo chamber? You’re really bad at accusing others of what you keep doing.


I’m not here to attack anyone over a silly forum debate.

Funny how that works, innit?


Well if you’re aiming to create more of a one sided tribunal than a gaming forum then will be bogged down in pedantic statements all day.

I guess ,you’ll have to give an example, or they wouldn’t get the point .

I believe I explained it much earlier already.

Don’t get me wrong,I do understand what you’re saying ,example ,if you are in a thread with ,let’s say 15 others,and the dicussion goes south for any reason and 10 places you on ignore (with this method) there you go an echo room has been created ,and not only that it goes beyond the thread.


Then is spreads further to other users when the ignore becomes less about harassment and more the specific context of the posters point or argument.

Don’t like M+? Ignored. Locked out. Don’t like PvP? Ignored. Locked out. Don’t like Raiding? Ignored. Locked out. You want housing? Ignored. Locked out.

Recipe for disaster.

10 players ignoring you doesn’t prevent you from posting in the thread, so how exactly does it create an echo chamber?


what is then the point of having an open discussion then when you left with 4 others talking to themselves because they don’t want to be a part of the thread at all?


That is not how a forum works.


Tell that to the person who said people like me needed therapy to assert and reinforce our born identity as the norm.

I have the guts to read it. Once. And then never again from the same person. Enabling account-level blocking would at least prevent me from seeing it again from the same account, as is currently possible.


Then the question is,forum or game. On the forum you have ignore feature which blocks the offenders posting,as they as said above doesn’t stop a poster from posting. Beyond that there is the game (not a forum) the fear now is focused on playing which people have a nich to take revenge on a person that they have a disagreement with on the forums ,this will cause a complete shut down of a person that pays the game ,for good or bad reasons.

Man really can’t be trusted totally on power it should be balanced with reasoning and understanding. Alot to learn in a social world.


Ultimately that’s what’s going to bring these types of systems down.

No one here may not misuse new systems…but someone else with a beef will.

With how loot is distributed in raids or M+ there is still plenty of fertile ground for raged filled conflict.

I’m still only hearing “No, you can’t do this, and there’s no alternative suggestion.” Again, this is the only Blizzard forum where you’re not posting under your account in some way/shape/form. As it stands right now, blocks are absolutely trivial to get past, there are some absolutely heinous comments that get made, and blocking one person usually means you’ve simply delayed hearing it from them again… under a new character.

Oh, wait, I’ve seen one alternative. It’s “Just deal with it.” Because right, I should be forced to maintain a limited character-based blocklist all because some people like to spread hate on this forum.


Maybe an extended block list is needed then, that can be easily done.

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Or just fix the wonky forums so all our stuff is treated fully as one account instead of a mix and match.


Really,in one swipe for one word ruin a persons account across a whole game.

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