Can we get account wide ignore?

Ignore doesn’t create an echo chamber.


Oh, it’s happened… any time even a slightly game-related LGBTQ+ thread comes up, you’d be surprised at the hate that comes along.


um…the same could be said about the whiners in here about this. So, are we in a better spot now? Nah…didn’t think so. But please, continue to delude yourselves into thinking you’ll be better off by never hearing opposing viewpoints because hearing them is “harassing.” (/eyeroll). BTW–conversion therapy?? really?? who would talk about THAT in a game forum? Now I see why you got so upset when I joked about safe spaces and trigger warnings. Let’s leave the topics about the game itself and the forums…

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Again, it’s happened. I’ve seen worse some times too.


If that type of topic really upsets you, ironically we’re probably pretty similar socially (wink) …but I still think prefer to read everyone’s opinion rather than ignore people.

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I… no. I will read it once, but if given the chance to completely block someone’s account for spewing hate that may or may not be directed at me or others like me, I’ll block so I don’t have to see their specific hate again.

And a potentially hot take, but… openly-displayed hate is not an opinion, it’s harm.


It’s all preference, some people like to see everything going on, others are happier to tidy up their forum experience by taking out the trash.


…then this isn’t about making the forums better.

For me it isn’t about not wanting to see other opinions, it’s about not wanting to talk to or see people who’ve engaged in harassment or just plain old hatred.

Being able to block their whole account would be nice.


Morning support for:

  • Account wide ignores
  • Account wide flags
  • Account wide likes
  • Account wide trust levels
  • Account wide total post counts

Honestly, here on the forums, our BNet account should be treated as the account when visiting or posting on the forums, not our characters-servers. We should be litterly one person with 1 account.


How is requesting for ignores or other stuff to be account wide “administrative control?” Do you see anyone here on the forums requesting to become one of the fourm moderation or apart of the Blizzard development?

We get it Ard. You’re against account wide ignores, because you rather troll and have everyone see your trolling, as well as abusing certain forum privileges that should not be abused in the first place. But if that is all your here on the forums to do, then you should go find somewhere else that will allow it, because you’re not supposed to be abusing forum privileges here.


I disagree. It’s what you’ll end up with if Blizzard gives you that ability.

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When players start linking alts, I’d say they’d love to have admin powers so they can dictate who can or can’t post on here.

Which is why I don’t think adding the functionality you’re asking for isn’t a good idea or in the best interests of everyone who uses these forums.

Nope, it very much is about making it better.

Yes, we know, you are really fond of the ability this current set up has given people to force themselves on people who don’t want to deal with him.

It is kind of suspicious that you’re so worked up over people being able to not listen to people and lie and say it would silence people.


I’m not seeing any counter-suggestions.

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Oh yes, just like how you can continue switching between alts to flag the same post over and over again just to try and actually silence people. Is that what you’re afraid off? You losing that ability to actually trying to silence someone by using your alts and flagging people?


Interesting conclusion to reach without any proof, you’re also attempting to use the CoC in a very negative fashion.

In otherwords, I just hit the home run. Thank you for confirming Ard on why you’re truly against account wide ignores.


Again every forum site has an ability to ignore people and I have yet to see them become an echo chamber or die off.

I dont know how you seriously came up with the conclusion of getting admin powers here.


This isn’t a private chat. Anyone who takes part in a public discussion should also have the guts to read everything and give everyone the opportunity to reply.

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