Can we get account wide ignore?

It just means you voluntarily shared your story. Nobody asked you to. Kinda calls into question your often-stated commitment to privacy.

Again, this is all personal information nobody asked for, and nobody cares about. If you really value your privacy, keep it to yourself.


Yeah, for someone who claims they want privacy, Lillithia gives out a lot of personal info that someone from their irl could probably piece together.


Nothing wrong with wanting privacy, I do understand where this is coming from, it’s social issue. Poster could have deep social circles and doesn’t wish to offend this circle by ignoring. That is a cultural aspect and it isn’t a bad problem.

I come to the forums to interact with people, that share my interests, not listen to some tool telling me my enjoyment of the game is wrong and I should feel bad about it.


“Why ignore people on a forum?”

“I’d throw you out if we met”

You’re too funny lol


ooh Are they threatening us with a good time ?

Anyone wanna bet it’s Lil on a classic alt

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Harassment, trolling, and bullying is not opinion.

If I feel you can’t have a discussion without having a nasty attitude, being toxic, trolling, bullying and harassing then you deserve to be on my ignore.

You have no right to bypass my ignore.

Bypassing ignores has been a thing for a long time, it’s time to fix that.

Account wide ignore is needed, because people can’t help themselves but to walk around current ignore.

I want to ignore the user not the characters.


Most of us wouldn’t associate ourselves with you to even be at your house due your lengthy history on the forums of causing and being the center of drama.

I’m not sure. The other post made by this classic alt seems to be a bit above Lil’s pay grade.


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Well… we won’t have to see it from Lil or any of her alt on her account thou. :smiley:

Hey I was gonna giv Lil a penny for their thoughts but unfortunately they couldn’t make change . So I kept the penny

I think its time for another reminder again…

If you can’t have a civil discussion with me without resorting to being toxic then I will put you on ignore, thats within my right to do it. I’m not trying to censor or silence you, I do not have that power, you still can freely post as long as its not against the CoC but do keep in mind that if you do the same thing to other people such as being toxic, your just going to get ignored by a couple of more people.

Another reminder is that every forum in the internet (i.e Reddit, MMO-Champion, Other Blizzard forums, Steam Discussions, FFXIV forums, etc) has an ignore/block system.

By your logic, you think having the ability to ignore/block people defeats the purpose of a public forum and would kill the forums right? this might be a hard pill to swallow and i know you don’t like hearing this but despite what you like to believe, Those forums are still being used to this day.


10/10 nailed it.


Except not. No one is silencing anyone by ignoring them. They are on a per-person basis, everyone is still as free (as can be reasonably expected by a forum administered by a private business) to post what they want, and some are just choosing not to interact or witness it.

Also, with some of the stuff that has “challenged” specific groups here? Respectfully, we’re better off without seeing it.


It’ll still result in echo chambers which will be bad for everyone in the long haul.

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No, no it won’t. And as said, some of the “challenges” that have been posted here have gone so counter to the forum CoC that they have no place here. Yet… people keep posting them…


hmm hidden reply :thinking: Only 1 left active that’s on my ignore list. Guess it’s vacation is finish

Sounds like a bid for administrative control for the forums.

I don’t think that’s a good idea among already heavily polarized posters.

Right… honestly, were I given the chance to account-level ignore some of the people here (like those who’ve advocated for conversion therapy, who’ve declared people mentally ill for their identity, etc.) I would. Because honestly, that sort of denigrating behavior DOES NOT have a place in a game forum, especially when existing policies stand AGAINST such behavior.


don’t hardly think anyone is really here to debate but just to let their opinions be heard

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