Can we get account wide ignore?

Hrmm I haven’t joined a clan in D4. But yeah that is weird.

I’d hate to see that happen on the forums. It would be a total… disaster. A disaster that would make Jon Carter look like the best movie ever.


If it’s a bug, they need to fix it right away. The names are out there already though.


i had i look on mine it looks like only yours is visible to you and no one els

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I was the only one online so I had no idea who could see it. It is a bit strange to see though.

Yeah I can see how that could be cause for immediate concern.

Hey now it wasn’t a master piece but I liked it and would of liked to have seen them do more of the stories . It was supposed to be Disney’s Space opera until they got Lucas Film.

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I got thru it once and felt it was so bad that it didn’t warrant a second viewing.
And I’ve re-watched a TON of terrible movies…

And hot take: I hated Forest Gump. I said what I said.
I also only watched Castaway once.

But one thing I don’t hate…
the Account Wide Ignore system proposed in this thread.
(yall see what I did there. I went off road and skipped the curb to get back on the road)


we’re talking about the forum here and not some imaginary world you’re coming up w/

Yup you’re 1 of them :wink:


No. I have chosen privacy, over people that might find out my main alt, who might attack my reputation and turn people I am friends with against me, I can’t risk that.

If account wide ignores happen, it would stop me talking altogether. Which might be what you want, but in my opinion social media is already too much of an echo chamber where people tend to stick to their own cliques.

Oh come on, there’s a huge difference between this issue and some of the world’s fanatics, I am not against government organizations monitoring behavior, though I do admit on other platform someone who once pretended to be my friend tried to get me in trouble and I had a specific email being totally questioned by those running the platform, I admit it really made me mad, as I felt my own trust breached, as that person had promised to be there for me, but failed to deliver on the promise.

Hasn’t stopped the trolls on Starcraft 2 from continuing to say it every time a match is lost.

And yet I still encounter that behavior all the time.

Well it would depend on the situation, if the person is sticking to the forum topic and not getting personal, then in my brain it’s not harassment, where I draw the line is only if that person is attacking someone as an individual person.

In my opinion, if this helps you understand how I think better, often what is one person’s ‘good’ is another person’s ‘bad’. For instance, a jealous girlfriend or boyfriend for example, watching a rival get their reputation trashed is a ‘good’ in the eyes of the jealous person, but in the eyes of the person getting their reputation trashed then it’s nothing but a ‘bad’.

It might be easy for me to say that what the person gossiping is doing is somehow universally immoral, but in reality…I can’t see any universal morality here, I only see what’s good for one person is bad for another person.

In short the answer to your question is that the forum doesn’t have features where you can just message someone privately, therefore I don’t see internet forums as a personal place, on an internet forum there will be a wide range of opinions and whatnot, people have the right to change alts or start on a private alt not associated with their guilds, I do recall a few years back Blizzard was understanding of that position where people had their reasons.

I strongly advise people not to use their Main as a forum alt.

Well definitely not buying Diablo 4 then.

Realistically, I actually agree with what people are saying if people’s real names are posted, it might reduce trolling to some degree, but it can lead to other forms of harassment.

Trolling is trolling.
Sockpuppeting is sockpuppeting.
Harassment is harassment.

There is no “depend on the situation”, each wrong is a wrong, regardless of the situation.


Um okay I disagree with that assessment, that kind of black and white thinking is not healthy in my opinion.

To me each individual situation is very relevant. And even if I was to accept that ‘wrong is wrong’ I would still say that there are many situations in history that are ethically correct even if they are morally wrong, it’s tempting to cite several examples of that, but in my experience whenever I do so, I get accused of ‘derailing’ so for the sake of the forum I won’t mention what’s on my mind,

But what I will say to keep this wow related, is that you are saying that everyone that joined one of my guilds in the past under false pretenses that they would stick around and be loyal but only to leave the minute it no longer suited them were clearly in the wrong, as breaking promises is morally wrong in my opinion.

I don’t like that they did it, but I understand why they did, they felt there were guilds they could join with better raiders.

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Facts, I can’t believe anyone would actually try to justify bad behaviors in any of those cases whether it’s their own or someone else’s because that’s super cringe and big yikes.


What do you expect Lilithia has already shown that they are a toxic narcissist with a dash of sociopath thrown in .


So, what you’re saying, if you do it, then it is alright despite people look at it being wrong, but if someone else does it, it is wrong?

Because that is not how it works. Let me repeat:

A wrong is a wrong!

No matter how you twist it, there is no such thing as “depends on the situation” when it comes to wrongs. A wrong will always be a wrong, even if you think it isn’t wrong.

Didn’t your parents ever taught you, “two wrongs doesn’t make a right?”


Why bother responding to them . We all know what I said above was right .

Nothing you say to a narcissist is ever going to get them to change.

Just everyone put them in ignore so that they can bring out the next toon for us to catch within their first 5 posts to ignore so they can show Blizz why account wide ignores are needed.


Yeah, I need to not take the bait. It taste disgusting with each and every bite.

Anyways, daily support for account wide ignores, account wide likes, account wide flags, account wide total post count, account wide trust levels, and account wide green eggs and ham. :rofl:


the legion is dead. Go away. Shooo

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It is never dead when us Warlocks continue summoning demons.


And yet you continue to post on this forum, making no attempt to protect your reputation or privacy.

… still not seeing the downside.


No, what I and many others here want is the ability to completely control who we choose to associate or interact with. Hypothetically, if I do not want to interact with you, the person, right now I have to block you on every character of yours that I manage to identify. A simple “Ignore this character’s account” toggle is not harmful and never will be.