Can we get account wide ignore?

Or they continue the challenge in an act of bad faith, in an attempt to demean or delegitimize the person being challenge.

Please explain on how account wide ignore will not benefit everybody. It will be the same as the ignore now, just except, it will apply to the entire BNet account, not the character-server.

EDIT: Sorry, misread net for “not”. Please forgive me, it is 7am here.


He said it would be a benefit. :dracthyr_heart:


Ayu, he said it would be a NET benefit for everybody.


Yeah, saw it, and misread it. So I’ve edited it.


Problem is, it was a snide bit. Basically, they seem to want people to surround themselves with silence, effectively isolating themselves.

Never heard of that but it might knock Achy Breachy down to 3

Still going with

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Just a question, how do you know they were specifically people alt-hopping and not different people talking?


The tools that the players has is via the armory, and no so much by achievements, but by pets. And assuming people haven’t turned off a certain setting within the BNet account, then 3rd party sites as well.

But Blizzard sees a lot more than what the player does. Which means, you could try and hide from the player, but you can not hide from Blizzard at all.


Correct, our btags on each character we post on is visible to mods and blues.


It’s not hard to uncover. It only took me a couple minutes to identify a half dozen of your alts.

Well here is the issue I have with that, and that demonstrates why I’m completely opposed to account wide ignores, because of the potential for it to be abused.

See, it’s one thing for people to say “I have the right to ignore you and not interact with you” but the reality is some people with a vengeance will go on a crusade and attacking the player they ignored, calling out their alts, badmouthing them and so on, I know this expansion I have had a different main than I normally do, so I keep that alt well away from forums as I want that alt and the guild its a part of private.

All it would take is one person with a vendetta to stalking my alts in game trying to badmouth me to my friends and so on.

The reason privacy is an important right on the internet, is because we can say unpopular opinions without risking our real life reputations and so on. For instance, I despise mythic+ and will carry on about how much I hate it with a passion on here, but I know some of my good wow friends enjoy mythic+ but I keep that my opinion to myself around them and let them have their fun.

Unpopular/passionate opinions will be less likely to be expressed when we have less privacy, and before anyone says ‘you aren’t losing any privacy!’ well if you have an alt that’s in a respectable guild that looks down on ‘trolling’ (aka people disagreeing strongly with you) then you don’t want your unpopular opinions going back to your guild,

Let’s be honest. This is a competitive game. Always has been. As such, people won’t hesitate to tear down someone’s reputation or attack them in some way or another as they compete with other guilds for members of their own and whatnot.

It’s more complicated than people think, it’s not as simple as “Oh I should have the right to ignore that individual person on the other side of the screen completely!” I mean that would defeat the entire purpose of having a public forum where different views can be expressed.

And here is the thing, I can’t think of one person that would say something incredibly racist or offensive that wouldn’t get a month’s silence minimum, but there will always be nasty people like that in society, while WoW has seen a decline in recent years, it’s still one of the most popular mmo’s out there, as such the most degenerate, selfish, nefarious people will always be among us, when those people take things too far, they will get penalized accordingly,

History will decide whether I’m on the right side of this argument, but I will choose freedom of speech/expression, and people’s right to privacy all the time, sure some cowardly people will take advantage of that, but in my brain things actually only become personal when you start talking to someone 1 on 1 in btag/real ID message, but that’s not possible on this forum, ergo, it’s a public place.

That’s the most rational logical argument that I can come up with that makes sense to me.


How the hell is this still up for debate in the slightest? Absolutely yes your ignore should apply to the account and not just the character, are you all high? It doesn’t even need to show the BTag or anything, just once you’ve ignored a player’s character, every character on that account is considered ignored. If I ignore a player, I don’t want to hear from their alt just because they rolled a panda or whatever.

Just like with the naming fiasco, incorporating (though not displaying) BTags into characters on a wider level solves so many problems.

This is not an infringement on free speech; you’re still welcome to say whatever you feel like polluting the air with, but I am under no obligation to hear or listen to it.


we at this again? How are you getting abused? You get ignored job done. I can’t see your post, you can’t see my post.


We live in an age where a lot of people don’t just ignore and move on though.

We live in an age where people will continue to trash reputations of people they consider rivals or people they dislike, bullying on the internet, as well as outright doxxing people, which by the way, just as you interpret switching accounts as ‘harassment’ well doxxing itself isn’t illegal in itself in many jurisdictions, but could also be construed as harassment falling under that category,

If I believed that people wouldn’t abuse knowing who someone’s alts are, and drop bomb shells on a person’s character, then I might actually be on the pro-btag side, but we don’t live in that world, we live in a world where some people hold grudges and can’t leave well enough alone,

If you don’t think some people will abuse an account wide ignore feature by finding out who the person’s main alt is, then that’s very concerning, as here is the thing, many people have a main alt (who have friends that know them in real life) and many people have a main forum alt, I under no circumstances want people to know the main alt I am using for this expansion, as that’s private information, as I don’t want anything I say/do on here to make that wonderful guild of people look bad,

It’s really that simple. Privacy online gives us the right to express unpopular opinions, but you are right about one thing, if Blizzard really had an issue about someone switching accounts, they know who we all are, they know my real life name, where I live, my credit card details and whatnot, so if they felt me or anyone else was deliberately switching alts that’s my position on this issue, it might be unpopular but I stand by that opinion,

I personally don’t see anything morally wrong with making a fresh start on a public forum, already I feel Lilithia’s reputation is getting quite bad so may be necessary to make a change soonish, though I am doing my best to express myself in a way that sticks to the issue and arguments, that causes the minimal amount of offence, and I do take comfort in the fact that there’s still a few people liking my posts and understanding where I am coming from, so I will stick with Lilithia for now, and just let the argument speak for itself…as I need to accept that if I have faith in my convictions that I should stick to it.

I do believe account wide ignores could lead to some people that don’t like you deciding to take it further and go doxxing which is a form of harassment in itself in my opinion.


OK well we also live in an age where the stuff this thread is about is actually happening whereas everything you’ve said is 100% a hypothetical that’s not very likely to happen. You keep spinning up these long winding circular arguments that you’ve convinced yourself somehow that it’s going to be the new reality for everyone by simply implementing something that’s literally a standard feature on pretty much every forum ever. You’re trying to talk nonsense in an attempt to make your argument better to people who already see through you.



I have you on ignore and have for quite awhile. The only way I know you are still posting is because people are quoting you …

Let me ask you:

Have you been abused? Have you been silenced? Can you still post?


Ignore does none of the things you claim. You are just fine. Just like you will be with account wide ignore.

Your point are invalid.

Account wide ignore please!


Everyone has the right to privacy. But, your version of privacy and actual privacy are 2 different things. Do people not have the right to have privacy on when placing someone on ignore, that the person people ignore should not switch characters to bypass the ignore? And considering that Blizzard actually does take a pretty strong stance on harassment within the forums.

There is concequences for every action you do here on the internet.
If you do the wrong, then the concequences are going to be bad for you, but if the actions are good, then the concequences are going to be good for you. But there is concequences for every action.

If you want the privacy for sending hate messages, or dropping people like flies when they become friends with you, then you should write that down in a notebook, and hide that notebook under your pillow.

I mean, lets use 2 examples:
Example A: I find WoD a lot more better of an expansion than Legion, BfA, SL and DF altogether. And I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion. I have made my stance on this before, and guess what, nobody evaded my privacy on this. Because this is my own opinion on something inregards to the game. And as unpopular as my opinion is, it isn’t going to come back to me as something bad.

Then Example B: You with your comments in this thread where you have openly admitted to making self harm messages to people in the past, or dropping people once they become good friends with you. Stuff like that will come back on you, because once you display that sort of behaviour, or admit to doing that sort of behaviour, then the community will remember this sort of thing. It will come back onto you, because people do not tolerate this sort of thing anywhere. Harassment, self harm messages, hate speech, outright trolling, this sort of behaviour most people do not tolerate.

I mean, hey, you’re free to post what ever you want here on the forums, as long as it is related to the purpose of the forums or not in violation of the Forum Code of Conduct.

Freedom of Speech/Freedom of Expression does not protect you from Freedom of Consequences. You’re on Blizzard Platforms, you’ve agree’d to Blizzard’s rules.


Not just the ignores, but flags, likes, total post count, trust levels, all should be account wide.


Have you been abused?

Actually, in my opinion, yes, as certainly in the game itself (not on the forum) a rival guild trying to trash my reputation is commonplace.

I’m not allowed to answer that question, that’s against the code of conduct to talk about forum actions. Sorry.

It has the potential to, as when I switch alts, I do it for a reason, to start fresh, problem is all that would happen is if everyone found out who my main alt was, I would have to unsub, and get a new wow account and start completely fresh, that would be my only available course of action.

This isn’t too important, but you spelled the word consequences wrong. Not that it matters.

But to me, some areas of the internet are private safer spaces, internet stuff should never spill over into real life.

Back in the day, everyone on the internet used to do that, especially in games like Starcraft where that was the natural response if you failed a match, I’ve accepted that it’s no longer socially acceptable to do it, but I know if I play an SC2 match and let down the team I can expect such a hateful message from someone, but to me it’s water off a duck’s back, they know they are in the wrong though as 100% of the time they will block me after giving the kys message.

That’s not quite how it went down, that’s a gross misinterpretation of my actions.

It’s actually the other way around more commonly, and more often than not, friends drop me. Granted, it’s for understandable reasons. Some people move states. Sometimes people get a new job. Sometimes people get married and start families so no longer have time for a friendship with you. Most people have their own agendas and goals.

I would say most people fall on a spectrum between pathological selfishness and extreme altruism.

In the case I had to play it cool with some people before ditching them, it was because they insulted me first, but I knew I needed them and to put up with them to get ahead in the world money wise unfortunately. And I regret that I’d do the exact same thing if I was in the same situation again, as unfortunately there was nobody nicer and more tolerant around at the time so I just had to play along.

It’s no different in wow, I will tell you a secret…in some of the guilds I have had on wow, every single person that has joined and said something like ‘I will never leave your guild!’ has always left at one point or another. The only ones that have remained for so many years are the ones that have never made such a silly promise, I know for a fact that if someone says ‘I’ll never leave your guild’ it literally means that they are just there to take what they want, see how they can get ahead in the game and bugger off the minute a better deal comes along. This happens in a lot of guilds also, that people will talk dirt in the ear of other guild members, they will bide their time, then next thing you know people will mass exodus to their own stupid new guild.

That’s reality.

Reality is in life, you have to remain ahead of the game and play your cards carefully. Sometimes you got to keep your mouth shut in life and only take action at the right time.