Can we get account wide ignore?

It is so considerate of them to keep advertising why this stuff is needed.


Because no one in here has the right to be heard by every one just the people that choose to do so .

Same goes for the outside world in our every day lifes.

Since this is the forums for North American servers I will use the U.S. for example.

No one has an expectation to have their right to free speech or to be heard outside of their protection to do so from the government. No private enterprise or individual is beholding to have to respect said rights . Companies and individuals just allow people to say what is permissible according to either the companies own policies or the persons personal standards.

Beingf able to block a persons account does not silence them because they can still interact with those willing to do so and the only way one can be silenced in here is if they break Blizz’s rules for the forums.


No it is not

Ignored is player level as in a player or players choose to ignore you but you still are able to interact with those that choose to interact with you .

Silence is Blizzard level where they have determined you have broken their rules of the forum and do not let you post . It can be for a short time or permanently.

People are fine with people not agreeing with them. However people are not fine with people repeating thing constantly after what they have said has been shown to be factually false and then switching toons to continue to espuse said false hoods when the previous toon they said the same thing on was ignored.

Once again if it isn’t to clear for you .

The only right one has in here is to say what they want as long as it falls under Blizz’s rules for the forums, however they only have the right to be heard by those that choose to do so.


Billy Ray’s second biggest mistake . I don’t think we need to say what the biggesdt one is

I disagree…
We will sing “I came in like a wrecking ball” before “opening” a door.

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There are several folks trying to tell you it ISN’T the “first thing” they go to.

Personally I would only ignore someone if they specifically offended me in some way. Once that’s done I have no further interest in anything they have to say.

That in no way prevents them from continuing to post here. Ignore =/= silence.

First thing…last thing, that part of my statement is really not that important.

Meh, at this point it’s another one of those circular arguments like the “leavers vs non leavers” topic in the Overwatch forums. You’ll get people who feel passionately on both sides and one side (usually can be either one, depending on the day) will get super upset when presented with an opposing viewpoint…there’s no winning here.

The key is to acknowledge that…but most will just move to “can i ignore an entire account…” because again, it boils down to how much a person can “take” and how “forced” they feel to interact instead of just not engaging past a certain point…and moving on. There must always be “consequences” for their inconvenience. (smirk)

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So long as it’s left at “you must ignore the character”, then it is abusable. Since one can have - I believe - 50 characters on Dragonflight servers, that’s potentially 50 alts to use, and some people are not above using alts to troll. That’s leaving aside how many can exist on Classic servers.

You’re making an issue out of nothing. You have no inherent right to be heard by everyone, no one is required to listen to you, and you are using the “viewpoint” phrase which is a large red flag.

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It’s 60 on DF, 50 on Classic and 50 on WotLK classic, for one license. You can have up to 8 licenses on one Bnet.

You can also make as many lvl 10, Drakthyr or classic DKs to post with, then delete and start all over.


Wow. I had outdated numbers then. So we’re talking a maximum of 160 on a single license, and extensible to 8 licenses? A theoretical maximum of 1,280?


Yes and with throw away alts, it’s actually countless.


Well, have an ignore then.

Let everyone know if you can’t post because of being ignored.


You can have 60 alts for retail, plus the 50 base and 50 WoLK Classic characters so that’s just a ton of characters at one disposal to walk around ignores.

And people like to create/delete level 55 classic dk characters and retail level 10 AR’s along with the level 58 Dracthyr.

Bypassing ignore has been abused and it’s time for account wide ignores to fix that.


Anyways, morning everyone, daily support for:
:white_check_mark: account wide ignores
:white_check_mark: account wide flags
:white_check_mark: account wide likes
:white_check_mark: account wide trust levels
:white_check_mark: account wide total post count

I think it is important to remember, if someone is going to go around in circles with their arguments, best to not reply back. Let them believe what ever they think, we all know the real truth.

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Look, some people are bothered by text they choose to read online. Like really bothered by it.

They literally cannot close their eyes or plug their ears hard enough and need Blizzard’s help. Did I mention they are REALLY bothered by text they read online? It haunts them.

They spend hours upon hours thinking about the things they read that disturbed them. They make multiple forum posts about it…even come back to those threads days and weeks later, still being bothered by it. We can judge them all day for their fragility and egos, but what does that get us? What is the harm in letting them sanitize and pad the corners of their own online-existence?

I may sound snarky to some, but seriously, it wouldn’t hurt us if Blizzard let them close their eyes and plug their ears a little bit harder. What are we losing?

I may roll my eyes a lot at these people, but I stand by them for what they want. Account wide ignore would be a net benefit for everybody.


wow, the arrogance in this statement alone is exactly why these things shouldn’t exist.


I think I tend to think of things more big-picture and in my mind, this kind of cowtowing is the reason why we have so many people out in the real world who can’t deal with being challenged AT ALL. Maybe it’s a tad overthinking, but all of these things contribute.


Or, alternatively, there are some people who get their kicks out of winding people up, hijacking discussions, and other forms of blatant wangroddery. And some people find it convenient to just ignore those people so they don’t have to scroll past worthless babble that detracts from people who actually engage with discussion. And right now you’ve got some people who have it way too easy to skip past an ignore to keep spewing trash in threads.


Really, I don’t know of anyone for this that is actually bothered by what is said as much as just not wanting to deal with:

  1. broken records
  2. new masks

It is not that we hate being challenged as much as we answer the challenge and the one that issued it either acts like we did not answer or does not respond to our challenge.