Can we get account wide ignore?

No. If you are ignored, they are choosing not to hear you. If people are choosing not to hear you, perhaps it’s time to consider why they chose to do so.


Man imagine thinking you’re so unlikable that the entire forums would block you

That’s the only way being blocked would even be close to being silenced lmao


Maybe you should experience that so you can then come back and say that you’re being silenced? oh wait, i guess you woudln’t get that chance because no one would hear you… (/thoughts to ponder)

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Yeah that’s pretty cringe to put it lightly but not shocking given so many people including myself have had to ignore the same people I don’t even know how many times now due to them jumping from alt to alt to carry on with the trolling, harassing, sockpuppeting, etc. so I guess undesirable people are going to be undesirable.


Just refer here:


That was basically the worst response you could have typed

So uh, yea someone ignoring you isn’t you being silenced


I probably have been ignored by a couple of people on this site, why do I still have the ability to post here?

I got blocked by a couple of people on Twitter, why do I still have an active account and still can make posts on Twitter?

Again, being ignored/block =/= being silenced.

I don’t have a problem with people disagreeing with me, if they disagree thats fine, I’m not going to make a big deal out of it.

I would only ignore people if they get a little too emotional with their argument and resorting to being rude or throwing out personal attacks.

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Notice how they act like say someone like me can’t just ignore them just because I want to, I mean I don’t really need a reason past that except that I want to, if I want to and that’s pretty much it, the whole they are being silenced is laughable because anyone can ignore anyone else at any time and for literally any reason.


again, we just dont agree on this which is fine. What I’m asking you people who are so vehement about this to answer (which none of you have) is why is this the first thing you go to? What is wrong with actually self-managing a bit ?

There is already a post at the top of this broader “general discussion” thread about someone wanting Blizz to end “FOMO” and all I’m getting out of that person’s post is “I can’t manage my real-life responsbilities around your schedule so stop it!” --which again, just sounds completely immature and unreasonable. Instead of taking responsbility for their own emotions; they push for others to simply “stop” something for that sake.

I view this request as the same thing. Take some responsibilty for your own happiness and stop expecting everyone else to accomodate you. That’s like the first lesson people learn in therapy.


Yea you should probably do that and stop expecting everyone to accommodate you


Again, this is the only Blizzard forum that operates on a per-character level, not per-account level. This means that the same person can, if blocked on one character over behavior towards someone, switch immediately to another and continue that behavior. Or as mentioned with the sockpuppeting example, they can masquerade as someone completely separate and act as support - or use it to derail another topic. A simple “Ignore the account this character is associated with” flag would be all we ask for to help address these things.


I’m not on here asking for “account-wide” ignores because people disagreeing with me is such a problem for me :slight_smile: I think I’m handling that pretty well, but thanks for the oh-so-helpful non-tip.

Anyway, you people can continue this …discussion if that’s what it is, the game is back on. Have a great day!


I’m also not asking for account wide ignores because of that


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No. If someone ignores you, it does not impact your ability to post, just their ability to see your posts.

Again, no. If I ignore you, my intent is to prevent me from having to see your posts. Everyone else can make their own choices. Nobody can force everybody to ignore anyone.


And the ability to bypass someone’s ignore is you violating their right to freedom of expression.


Says the person that literally started their replies with this.

Which goes to show you are part of the problem because instead of accepting that most of us have ignored you and don’t want to interact with you, you came back on another alt to bypass our ignores, you are a prime example of why account wide ignores should exist.


It’s not, it’s a person not wanting to read what someone else has to say anymore, for whatever reason. It doesn’t even matter why someone ignores someone else, it’s no one else’s business.

Also not true. If I ignore someone, I don’t want to see what they say. Others can still see what they say.

No one is silencing anyone, lol. Others have told you, forum members can’t silence anyone.

That’s fair and that’s how I handle these types of posters as well. There are even some that I don’t agree with about certain things but agree with some of their other posts.

Are you advocating for there not to be an ignore feature at all? This forum has one, and people use it, but it isn’t as effective as it should be.

All other forums, be it Blizzard or other company forums, when you block someone, it blocks the entire account. Why are you only arguing against it on this forum and not advocating for all forums everywhere to not have an ignore feature?



It’s been explained ad nauseum in this thread what and why people want a Account Wide ignore system implemented. Just because you wanna pretend you know the reason doesn’t make you correct as you have blatantly ignored what other people have had to say on the matter.

People are tired of playing whack-a-mole with multiple alts of forum pests.
In this thread alone, there are 5 alts tied to one account. The fact that we have to block 5 alts to avoid seeing the dribble and their obvious attempts to derail the thread and attempt to get the thread taken down. These same people have done this in other threads.

Circumventing a block to continue engagement with someone who does not want to speak to you is pushing it. I can block your number, if you go out and get a new number to circumvent that phone block what’s that called?

Ok and? People’s reasons for blocking someone are their reasons.

Once again, people’s reasons for blocking someone from communicating with them is their reasons. No one is asking the ability to take away your ability to post so you can stop right there before you start. Improved tools to allow people to prevent alt hopping harassment is being asked for. A blanket block of the account will stop alts from that account from continuing to harass users that do not wish to interact with those people anymore.

Exactly, it was only a matter of time before the mask fell off again.

Oh… really now. I’m pretty sure there is a legal remedies for when a person circumvents blocks and barriers to continue forced engagement with someone.


No member of this forum can remove your ability to post. That is a power and punishment exclusive to the Forum Moderation team at Blizzard.

You aren’t even on a hair to split. You are making nonsense arguments.

Why does someone need to be heard by someone who does not wish to hear them any longer after previous negative encounters with that person?

I have no problem with that. I just do not wish to read their nonsense any longer and having to play whack-a-troll with their numerous alts they use to circumvent blocks is annoying.

Your mask is slipping again.


Wait who’s alt is he then


Putting someone on Ignore is not a means of expression. It is a means of controlling who you want to associate with. Freedom of Association - which has a lot of limits.

Further, it is not currently against the rules on the FORUMS to circumvent Ignore. There is no way for a poster to know they are ignored, and no limit on alts they can use. Yes, that is why many of us want the system changed to account wide ignore.