Can we get account wide ignore?

What’s worse is those people that will know you ignored them then intentionally change characters to continue to interact you and sometimes even acknowledge that they bypassed your ignoring them to continue harassing you, trolling, etc. it’s a very flawed system that needs improvements so that it’s one ignore and done and someone can’t ever interact with you at all unless you unignore them.

Account wide ignores for annoyances is my motto.


I actually enjoy getting those calls :rofl:
Last one that called me I acted like a priest and start a sermon over the phone telling them to repent their evil deeds. Sadly they hanged up :cry:

I’m trying to put myself on the other side of the fence, trying to imagine how I would feel if someone did the same thing to me…

I think it would only hurt me if it was a much more personal situation, like someone deliberately misrepresented their gender or whatever, as I personally only swim on one side of the river. And that’s hard, as I accept that people these days have various gender identities, so even if I would be hurt I would still approach the situation with compassion to some degree. Then again, I wouldn’t allow myself to have feelings for someone that wasn’t willing to do a video or phone call with me, over a neutral platform or whatever.

The problem is, the code of conduct you people have cited isn’t very specific, saying harassing other characters/players is a bit vague. Nowhere does it say switching alts on a forum is actual harassment, and if they deliberately doing it to bypass ignore, how could you even prove it unless someone actually admits it?

The forum is too difficult to change right now, if Blizzard want to put it specifically in their forum code of conduct that switching forum alts as a way to bypass ignore features and so on is against their code, they are welcome to do so.

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If someone doesn’t respond to you, then that is usually a good enough hint that they’ved ignored you. Some cases though can be exempted, such as rate the transmog, assuming that you follow the rules of the thread to rate the transmog, and not to derail the thread.

But if a person doesn’t respond, then it can usually be to the person is ignoring you.


I think generally speaking, that the best way forward for the forum would be actually stick to the forum topics as much as possible, and not get personal with people at all honestly.

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Do you know which word immediately and consistently springs to mind when I read your posts?

Sociopath. Not in an insulting or derogatory sense, but in a very clinical sense. You have issues.


You are correct. That is the way forward here on the forums. But it doesn’t mean you’ll be avoiding people’s ignores list. Especially when there is a lot of topics and everyone has different opinions on the topics.

But only good way is to be yourself, and not be toxic towards others.


My recommendation also is that Blizzard update their forum code of conduct for the time being to better reflect their values and community expectations honestly,

Not going to lie, but at present I think they are little too vague. Will leave that to them though, but I think that’s the best way forward at this time, as updating the forum right now would take them too long.

Literally nobody is asking

You have no idea how long it may or may not take


They can do both at the same time.

When the mask starts slipping…

And this is another example as to why players should be allowed to block any and all interaction with another user on the forums and in game. Currently, offending users can dodge blocks on the forums by creating or using preexisting alts to continue initiating contact with people who have chosen to block them. A block shouldn’t block just one character, it should, block any and all contact with the blocked account/user.


All of that arguing back and forth that you were tryign to do with your post picking apart mine was just strengthening my point. If you don’t like what someone has to say, fine…just keep going to the next post. Blocking an entire account on a forum is pushing it. I think blocking an entire account from interacting wth you IN GAME is fine, but blocking entire accounts in forums just seems petty and childish. Unless someone is posting hateful dribble, which the mods always are quick to handle; this request just sounds again–like people who dont want to hear other viewpoints–which defeats the purpose of a forum.

Regardless, I’ve said what I wanted to say–was supposed to be a point to consider.


They are not always quick to handle this, and it happens. People are human after all, and things may appear during off-peak times. However, if someone is known to be harassing another person by using alts, there is no reason to argue against the ability to simply opt to block the account (which can potentially be done with a flag in the profile, rather than specifying the blocked person’s account).

It’s not about other viewpoints, it’s about peace of mind and not having someone breach a block by simply masquerading as someone else to get around it.


how does one “harrass” a person in a forum? I guess I’m lost. I was reading the original complaint/request about this as “i dont want to hear what this person has to say ever” from it, which just reeks of entitlement. There are plenty of accounts/handles on here that if I see a post from them, I know I’m probably not going to agree with them, but at the same time, I don’t think I should NEVER see what they say and even then, I remember who they are and I just skip over it.

My main issue with requests like these (and other ridiculous things like “trigger warnings” and “safe spaces”) is that it mimics this type of behavior and the more a person is exposed to these kinds of false-hope scenarios; the less prepared they are to deal with people in the real world. I’m never in favor of things like this. That’s all.

As I said, blocking an account “in-game” is fine b/c your in-game experience should be customizable but I’m not sure I think filtering a forum to only hear what you want to hear serves the purpose of a forum.


again, ignoring a account is not preventing you from posting, just means we won’t have to see your nonsense. You don’t have the right to be heard.

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And here you’ve just shown the kind of person you are.


And if you’re defending those types of scenarios–you have as well …see how that works? We can disagree and that’s fine, we’re both adults–we should be able to do this without it devolving into mud-slinging and personal attacks. My point stands, you don’t get these things in the real world–why do people keep trying to put these in every place other than a elementary-school setting where they belong? I’m challening this request becuase I think it’s unreasonable; I’ve elaborated on why I think it’s unreasonable and the only defense is for people to keep digging in their heels and not explaning why they can’t excercise their own kind of emotional management without some sort of outside help.

If a forum is this upsetting to certain people; then maybe it’s not the place for them? There is also that point to consider which it seems no one wants to consider.

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It is not unreasonable to ask that this forum behave in a consistent manner as to the other Blizzard forums - this is, as has been mentioned numerous times, the only one that has everything on character level, not account level.


For example, if someone feels as though they have a right to be heard, perhaps this is the wrong forum for them. They have no such rights here.

Yet, people in a recent thread even couldn’t help but alt-hop once they knew they were being ignored, leading to further, and unnecessary, back-and-forth trolling.

I look forward to a time where the WoW forums function the same as the other Blizzard forums.


Being ignored =/= being silenced.

I’m not going to ignore someone that disagrees with me, thats just a wasted spot, the only times I would ignore someone is if I feel like they provide nothing of value to a couple of discussions and only to troll or just rude.

Again, being ignored =/= being silenced.

Your getting ignored by one person, you still have the ability to post on this site and you can still reply to their posts but they would not receive a notification because the individual has you ignore.

I have said this before and I will say it again, the only people here that has the ability to silence people (preventing them from posting on this site) is the moderators. Not us the members.


Yes, being ignored is being silenced. If no one can actually read/hear what you’re saying–you’re essentially being silenced.
Let’s not split hairs here. The outcome of not being heard is your intent, which is the same thing. Why does someone need to be ignored? Why is them speaking or expressing themselves such a problem for you? Why aren’t you able to simply move on from this?
I feel the same way about people pushing for others to be “banned for toxicity” in Overwatch because they they said “GG” or “LOL” …give me a break. Why do people INSIST on silencing any and everything they don’t want to hear? How realistic is that? hint: it isn’t.

The mods will remove posts and even punish players for saying anything that isnt Disney G-Rated which is already pretty heavy-handed but whatever, it’s their forum, if they want to do that, they can.

What I’m saying is that too many people have different definitions of what “trolling” is. I often see this term misused and it usually just refers to people not liking pushback on a point they’re making or the fact that another person will continue to disagree with them and make posts about it–which then gets called “trolling.” It’s too subjective.

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