Can we get account wide ignore?

Its not that I’m hate replying her, its just me reminding to those people like her that they don’t have the right to be heard by those that they wish to not interact with and trying to get to force yourself onto others that wish to not interact you will create more resentment and to dislike you even more.

The only people that can silence anyone here is the mods.

We the members don’t have that power, being ignored does not equal to being silenced.


I mean, to use you and I as a generic example, why does that mean you have so little respect for me that you circumvent my choice to ignore and force yourself into my life/conversation by pretending to be someone else? Eventually, I will unignore people and give more chances. But them forcing themselves on me? Nah, kinna stalker-ish, very disrespectful, untruthful, clearly believing your action massively overrides my action… definitely not someone I want in my life or conversation.


“Forum” does not mean people have to see the post. Everyone has the right to place anyone on ignore, for any to no reasons.

We are not moderators. Placing someone on ignore does not silence anyone.


I love that game.

Correct, but know what is a way to silence others? flagging their posts so mods will do it. This seems to escape the minds of those that think ignore=silence but they are more then willing to silence others via the flag/report system.

Don’t even have to flag a post. Moderators can take action against any post, reported or not. But it is up to the moderation to ditermind on whether a post violates the forum Code of Conduct.

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Out of context how? You’re pretty much on repeat on what you keep saying. Doesn’t matter which part of life it is.

Sorry for you getting bullied but this has nothing to do w/ what the thread is about. If you want to talk to someone about it I suggest seeking professional help and not from a bunch of gamers behind a monitor

There’s people getting out of touch w/ each other and there’s creepy x-gf who just stalk you around. You sound like the later.

You act as if this place is giving away your real name. Guess what it’s still private. Blizzard has made it clear what is private info and what isn’t. You just have to learn to read properly

And no one is talking that away from you. But at the same time people also have the right to not hear you if they so chose to.

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One option would be for Blizzars to update the forum code of conduct at the moment nowhere does it say changing alts isn’t allowed

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Have you, though?


No one ever said it’s against the rule to change alts. But harassing someone who already blocked you by swapping to an alt isn’t. It’s called a harassment for a reason. You really should do another walk while looking at yourself infront of a mirror


It can already fall under harassing/defamatory:

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

Emphasis is mine in the second bullet.


Correct, you’re free to change to post from any characters.

How ever, this is only the case if not using your characters to harass people or groups of people within the forums or the World of Warcraft community.

Take for example, using alts to continue bypassing ignores of people to continue replying to the people that’ve ignored you. That falls under harassment.

You’re free to do what ever you want here on the forums, as long as it is not in breach of the Forum Code of Conduct.


Maybe they are a vampire? Can’t see their reflection. :open_mouth:

Very spooky


'Tis the season after all.

Um well problem is that might not even be intentional in some cases, some people might not even know that you ignored them.

Oh well, I appreciate that people just see me as a ‘dingus’ I can take that lol

Why would you want to prevent people from changing alts?

Seems kind of way worse that what I’m asking, just kill RPing and what not

if people stop responding to you common sense says they’re ignoring you. It’s that simple


For some reason with me that never seems to happen, people keep coming back and responding to me, in fact last time I tried to switch alts for a fresh start and nobody knew who I was, I got 0 responses…it was quite…eye opening.

Maybe it is better to just stick to Lilithia and continue to be myself.

Hey if it wasn’t for spam callers I wouldn’t have gotten the fortune from that Nigerian prince or the extended factory warantee on the used car I bought that was 11 years old and had 167k miles on it at the time :joy:

fix that for you