Can we get account wide ignore?

People are not obligated to give anyone a second or additional chances. If ignores are bypassed, then you’re either breaching their trust by masquerading as someone new, or ignoring their wishes if you identify who you are when you interact again.


Well that would defeat the purpose of having a fresh start if I opened up too soon, though in the past I’ve only done such when I feel I’ve formed a close enough connection with someone to feel that I won’t lose them if I’m fully open and honest. Sometimes in life one does have to play their cards carefully with people.

I’ve learned the hard way many times that sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and not say anything.

My point also applies to “fresh starts”. People are not obligated to give you the opportunity for one, and if you insert yourself under a new identity after they wish to not associate with you prior, it’s creepy at minimum.


You know, this is totally off-topic, but I had a dream a while back someone who did wrong by me, came back into my life, and was all apologetic and friendly…if only things had truly ended that way.

Here is the honest truth of the matter. That I am as intolerant and unforgiving as most of you; I have many grudges against people from my past that wronged me in some fashion, and can’t deny that I wouldn’t like justice done. It’s a darkness within myself that I don’t like, I was bought up in a Christian household being taught to forgive/forget people.

I’m waiting for them to begin arguing that you shouldn’t be able to block spam callers next. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to argue and support a Account Wide Ignore system. We should be allowed to block completely a player from having any further interaction with us if we so choose. The boogeyman nonsense of a few posters (some of which have intentionally used alts to continue to argue and circumvent blocks in a effort to force continued interaction with other users) is nothing more than laughable.


I am tolerant and forgiving, but only if the person seeking to re-establish contact is genuine. If they are deceiving me in any way, shape, or form in order to re-establish that contact, then that is on them and I have the right to choose to not interact or allow that re-established contact.

But it’s impossible to approach a person asking them for forgiveness if they have you blocked or ignored online, only way is to make a new account.

Anyway, I’ve got nothing new to offer at this time, I’ll come back to this thread when I feel I have a valid argument for my position.

That’s the point of ignores and blocks. It is to prevent someone from attempting further communication with the person blocking.

Why someone chooses to block someone is irrelevant and the person blocked shouldn’t be continuing to try and reach out to the person that has made it clear they want nothing to do with them.


This is the point I was trying to drive home. If someone wishes no further contact, a block/ignore is the clearest indicator of that. If your first thought is “I should make a new character and try to get them to undo this”, then there’s a serious problem with the thought process.


Well you haven’t had one yet, so you can stop digging the hole deeper and save everyone some time


drinks tea
i got nothing to add that i have really said before either. its just everyone saying the same crap, the undead comes again every so often, says something random, people who hate her reply to her, then mutes until they talk to her again. rinse wash repeat.

and this is why we wont have an account wide block. people cant even use the normal version correctly lmao. im not even gonna suggest to stop talking to people you supposedly hate or block anymore, just some of you look to start stuff on purpose.

but…no one is forcing you to interact with anyone.
If you come to a forum, you are going to see things you dont agree with and arguments you may or may not side with…etc. Hence the name–FORUM

Trying to silence anyone and everything that challenges your beliefs is WHY a lot of our society is so polarized. You should as a human, regularly expose yourself to challenge instead of just ignoring it and filling your life with echo chambers.
We don’t grow if we’re not challenged.

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Let me give an example here:

I regularly see, whenever “bait” or even sincere threads are posted, anti-LGBTQ+ commentary. This is not a commentary on the moderation or anything, I’m using this to exemplify this. Am I under obligation to be “challenged” by such persons?


Hello, preacher’s kid here. I was also taught that BUT that it is perfectly healthy and fine to be like, thank you for your apology but I am still not okay with everything that happened and no longer wish to interact with you any more.

Just because someone doesn’t want someone in their life any more, doesn’t mean they hold a grudge, it just means they recognize that it’s unhealthy for whatever reason to keep that person in their life. Yes, there are healthy and unhealthy ways of going about removing someone from your life. Maybe, if enough time passes and the person seems genuinely remorseful and is working on bettering themselves, then yeah, you can reestablish a connection, I’ve done that before. But there are some people I no longer wish in my life even though they have tried to make amends. I don’t wish them ill will or anything, I just don’t want to interact with them.

I’ve had people I’ve blocked use mutual friends, new accounts and such to try to get ahold of me to apologize. All that does is show me that they clearly haven’t changed, since they are crossing a strict boundary I stated. If I unblocked them, and they realize and message me, then yes, that means I am open for them to reach out.


I don’t even have them ignored though

They’re just a dingus, not outright malicious like the actual ignored people


Ignore =/= Silencing. The way the forums work, when you ignore some one, it doesn’t prevent them from posting. We just want the ignore updated for full account wide. No one has to listen to you.


Except… they are.

One particular person in this thread has hopped on 5 alts to circumvent blocks.
Even having to block these additional alts is forced interaction.

This is why a Account Wide Ignore system should be implemented.
1 block should be all it takes yet with the current system we have to block each individual character on that account and they can delete and create a new character ad nauseum to continue to force interaction.

Why people block someone is irrelevant.

No one is silencing anyone. People are wanting a better system to block someone from interacting with them. This is not a silence as it does not prevent the person blocked from posting, it only removes their ability to interact with the person that does not want further interaction with them.


So, do you also get all upset when people in the real world also ignore you? I bet some of you do considering how you whine about it here. lol


I usually block all the numbers that call me about medicare and my car’s extended warranty lol. They must be furious.

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“We’ve been trying to mail you about your raptor’s extended warranty.”