Can we get account wide ignore?

How many time have people here said they dont want real ID? You keep bringing that up like a “gotcha” and yet show proof that someone said they want it. If blizz has added real ID I personally stand at your side and say it’s a stupid move on blizzard’s side.

Oh please, you’re acting like you’ve done no wrong while admitting that you pretty much troll every sunday on an alt and hide when the heat comes at you. That to me sounds more of a coward.

And? As anything in this world if people dont want to talk to you then they don’t want to talk to you. Why are you so desperate to push yourself into the crowd that doesn’t like you? You really need to talk to someone about that because sounds like you really need to seek help.

Oh we can IRL. It’s called a restraining order. And with your stalkerish way pretty sure a judge would be more than happy to grant people 1 against you if you act anything like how you act here.

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geez I never said it was. Was just saying someone to stick to their beliefs. Though I actually don’t know what the poster that was getting frustrated was actually saying before he edited his posts.

It’s disappointing that I can’t even comment at all in this thread without someone instantly reporting the minute I say anything that’s even the most remotely controversial…I do believe because of there, I would support change, such as bringing back downvotes.

I’ve deleted the post, but only to show Blizzard that I have no desire whatsoever to cause trouble or troll the forum or whatever…but I do believe that the way the forum currently is is creating too much work for the mods, and it’s quite stressful for me that every time me or anyone else says something that is even remotely controversial that people are all getting offended.

I actually went deliberately out of my way in the post not to mention specific examples of instances where I saw people standing against a popular tide.

How can we have a respectful debate if everyone on the opposite side of an argument is completely vilified and demonized?

I admit, I’m actually scared sometimes to enter this thread, in fear that I might say something that people could interpret the wrong way, but I tell myself if I don’t have the courage of my convictions on certain issues, if I don’t stand up for my argument even if it’s not popular, well I don’t want to be bullied into silence, I’m doing my absolute best to be respectful of both sides,

I even acknowledged in that last post that I could see some benefits if account wide ignore came about…couldn’t people interpret that as me just turning even slightly to their side? Or is really an all or nothing approach?

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No, I actually don’t do that on Sundays. Though I admit, I got a thick enough skin not to let the troll threads people come up with bother me.

The only Sunday thread I made was about ogres.

When there is a large majority of people online and elsewhere that won’t play fair or treat people nice, will ostracize people, that’s a completely different situation to me than someone just breaking the rules by making an inappropriate racist or homophobic comment,

Social ostracism can really undermine a person’s sense of belonging, self-esteem, and in worst of cases aggression. It’s those people that don’t feel heard that I stand up for…not the trolls that are just out to say something stupid online to get a laugh. The pain of ostracism can result in alienation, depression, sadness and again it’s how some people end up joining more extreme groups and whatnot.

That’s what I am against. Yes, I get rejection is a part of life, but I do feel society in general has gone a little too far with people settling into their own cliques and mini-tribes…

So I stand by this position…

1-That I would accept an account wide ignore, IF I also knew that once someone ignored someone, that was it, they don’t interact with them, they don’t speak of that person again etc.

Unfortunately that’s not what I see happen in wow, people will gossip and badmouth people they disagree with. I think as WoW as moved more to an e-sports model of gaming with mythic+ and so on, this has only increased.

2-Things are in Blizzard caught now on to make a decision on what to do on my last post, I hope they know that I am trying my best this time around to not lose my temper and have a respectful debate on this issue, but it’s really up to them honestly.

To make something clear, there was once someone that I had to live with that made me feel so uncomfortable and unsafe that I simply had to flee and get away from them…as they were clearly lonely and socially isolated. So I will mention that, as I do admit it makes my argument feel hypocritical. It’s something I will ponder on…but in fairness, they were actually badmouthing my friends and trying to destroy the reputations of people I know. I have a strict code not to go blocking/ignore people or reporting them unless I feel they actually really deserve it…which is actually quite rare.

I’d also assume that the fools who troll on Sundays and take things too far would get a long silence anyway.

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That’s what ignore is meant to be and not this BS that the forums have. And I agree w/ you on that matter. If you choose to ignore someone then they should be fully ignored. I shouldn’t be seeing “hidden reply” in place of what was said.

I personally didnt report you as I didnt see anything wrong w/ what you said. But I’m guessing people are fed up w/ you. I think that’s another thing blizzard need to look at as I myself have been recently been put on silence when all I said “wowgrandama said hi”. Blizzard should take on account in regards to false reporting as this will also lessen the false flagging.

You say that yet you’re action is completely saying the opposite.

Here’s what I’ve learn in my life. Who cares what people say. The loudest people are the people who has nothing to show.

yes and no. They’re still here so probably means they keep getting away with it. Most of these people know how to scoot around CoC so that they dont get silenced


That I agree with, it should be complete cut of contact on both sides.

At the end of the day, I respect I’m in Blizzard’s house so it’s up to them.

How is that even possible though to ‘scoot around’ to avoid the silence? If they said something offensive worthy of a suspension, they can’t post on alts unless they have more than 1 account. And I don’t think you can have two accounts that aren’t connected to each other.

Yeah I do admit…that is something I am pondering on atm…as I do feel hypocritical…in fact, I might go out for a walk and think about this…as when I was in that situation, I definitely wanted that person out of my hair and to be someone else’s problem…as by that point, I had made quite a few in real life friends that I got on well with and ironically they were quite jealous of me…I do pray they got the help they needed…

It’s careful use of words that scoots around the grey area of the rules. Ard is an expert of that you should ask him when he comes back from his “vacation”

It’s possible. You can have 2 instances of bnet open at a time if you allow it.

See I have never once look at my friends and say “they’re jealous of me” that too much tweeting my own horn which to me shows lack of confidence on your part. I maybe abit more well off than some of my friends doesn’t mean I look down on them. That’s the fastest way to lose friends. And yes you should take a walk to figure things out for yourself coz clearly you need alot of thinking to do


For once, I do actually agree with you…

I’ll return another time take care

I don’t think their friends were jealous of them . I’m thinking they came to see how toxic Lil actually is and told her so and her saying they were jealous is actually her deflecting that she is most likely the problem onto other people instead.


Oh I was trying to be nice. Personally people who act like that would instantly find that we are no longer friends.


The problem with some people such as with Lilithia, is that they don’t want to take any responsibility for there own behaviour, and “use” people, as they have so dedicately put it in the past, and then throw people away as if they are the paper straws.

I want to see people be responsible for there own behaviour, and to do the right thing, rather than trolling the forums or sockpuppeting, or admitting to things on the forums of using people, etc. Because it isn’t up to any of us to police others. We’re given the tools to flag people if we believe they violate the CoC, but we can not police, nor silence them. If they want to do the wrong, then they have to take responsibility for that.

After all, Moderation isn’t anyones parents here.


Here is a gif of her deflecting accountability…


Im always surprised how this thread gets worse at times lol

I just wanted to be able to ignore a person, not a character, and that’s somehow a controversial topic as well as witch hunts, harassment, bullying, being toxic, etc etc etc

The good news is, theres like 5 people in here who were against it vs the I assume more than 5 who are for it unless ya’ll are the same people


Didnt you hear we’re all Ayukama

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Just a reminder for those that think they have the right to be heard.

An individual has every right to ignore you for whatever reason they can think of, either be you were rude or something else that could warrant it. You don’t have the right to be heard if someone choses to not hear you.

All getting around ignores does is create resentment against you from those that ignore you in the first place.


Microsoft is slowly taking over, perhaps we’ll see what happens.

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Fingers crossed that things begin to improve, even if slowly, thanks to that.


Oh this thread is back…hello again.

I did a lot of thinking yesterday…I think people take a lot of things I’ve said out of context…each situation I’ve mentioned in life is different.

But I do accept that I’m the one that has argued that as a society we tend to make people someone else’s problem, when at the same point, I do admit I’ve done the same thing to unruly people in my personal life, ran away from them to try to make them someone else’s issue as I felt they were disturbing my peace etc…it’s not something that’s easy for my brain to reconcile.

I’m actually still conflicted about this position. I suppose if I could have done more for that person that was bullying myself and people I cared about to guide them on a different path, I would have.

I do feel a bit hypocritical in this stance though, as the time I wanted them more than anything to be someone else’s problem due to how much stress they caused me.

Well people are going to keep doing that, in my experience once someone has forgotten you, it’s then easier to form a real friendship with them later. This has happened a few times in the past, it’s why privacy is important to me online. As half the stuff on here I say is not stuff I’d risk saying if there was any connection to my real self, I learned that back in school. I do admit that this forum has helped me a lot, as it has taught me what opinions/thoughts to keep to myself in real life etc.

Generally speaking, we have a right to freedom of opinion and expression…with some limitations.

You do, but you don’t have the right to force others to listen to you. They get to ignore you, walk away, or even ask you to leave their private property.