Can we get account wide ignore?

Anyways, back to the daily support for BTags account wide ignores, trust levels, flags, likes, and total post count.


Sockpuppeting and bypassing ignores are still glaring potential (and in some cases observed) abuses of the current.


Indeed it does, a lot of the people in this thread saw that first hand from someone in a thread other night from someone I’ve blocked and ignored I don’t know how many times on multiple different platforms and yet there they were yet again harassing me, the least Blizzard could do is add account wide ignore here so that like on Twitter, Facebook, Discord they have to make another account and pay for it to continue that as a measure to avoid it.


Sockpuppeting is using another character to post while claiming to be a separate person from your main poster. It’s not “what we all do here”.


As much as a part of me tells myself that I won’t need to do that as I have most of what I want now, I do fear the time may come again where I will have to.

Think about this way, we live in a competitive world where we might think we can be friends with work colleagues and whatnot, but in reality that person that you were friends with for years may be competing for a higher position in the same company, in a competitive world like this one most people are not your ‘friend’ anyway, many of our relationships will be purely professional or superficial,

All the super ignore you guys want is cause me to stop posting, as this remains one of the few places on the internet where I feel I have any privacy, as things stand now nothing I say on here is a threat to my reputation elsewhere in game thank goodness,

I mean yeah it’s Blizzard’s private space, but hopefully if Blizz go through this ‘account wide ignore’ thing, there will be other busy but private places online to go.

I do not play with my socks on my hands…

/throw socks away…

I use my shoes instead.


There is no such thing as “will have to do it again” when it comes to that sort of stuff…


And be able to recycle as needed/wanted by pruning characters and recreating. It is infinitely abusable.


If they are able to do so without spending any more money, then it is an abusable flaw. Ignore the account, then you don’t have to worry about the characters. They want to bypass? Cool… new license needed.


Or you know, as seen here a lot, just make an AR that starts at 10


They can just use allied races, which start at level 10. Remaking and deleting as many times as they like.

Also, some use classic DKs, which you don’t have to be leveled to 10.

Edit: Grammar, I knew that didn’t sound right. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Agreed! Account ignore should already be a thing.


Should be level 20 minimum, and no fresh hero classes without at-least 36 hours of /played time.


Don’t forget the dreaded Dracthyr Evoker that some people use again and again and again. :sob: :sob: :sob:


Ah yes, I totally forgot. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I legit don’t understand this argument. Other gaming platforms/companies have gamertags, usernames, account names, or whatever they are called. Why do you and others feel any different about those gaming platforms/companies? Unless your btag is your irl name, then people can’t do anything with it.


Easier for them to alt hop and act like a different person before immediately going back to their old habits and people realizing its them again

This is an odd example…

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So they already know your name since you have them on btag and facebook?


If they have you on btag and facebook right now, then why does it matter if we go to btags? If one of them wanted to post your btag to fb, the forums, or wherever, they could right now.

I also have friends and family on btag on facebook, but I don’t use facebook anymore.