Can we get account wide ignore?

Yes that’s why I lean towards privacy on forums etc.

I’d say it’s a horrible and cringe one as well as illegal.


Because they don’t know Lilithia is my current forum alt.

They could still come on this thread and dox you. I guess unless you show as offline all the time on- and there it is.

I post on this toon, it’s my main. My friends from irl and siblings know it’s me.

So the change wouldn’t change anything then lol

They already have your info

UNLESSSS you hide on alts on the forums to bad mouth them and talk about manipulating them and then they’ll find out and not want to deal with you anymore

oh its a yes


Illegal? Please explain why you feel that way, as I certainly don’t want to encourage anything that could be seen that way…

I’ll remove the post if necessary.

They’ve already admitted as much in the former Btag threads.


Ah gross

I’m the same thing on the forums, in games, and irl so like

If someone has my btag, they’re talking to the same Malgorok on the forums and in game, dunno why I’d need to be different people


Naughtymoon, while I stand by my opinion, I decided to remove the post for the sake of the forum, a snap decision as I certainly don’t want to come across as encouraging illicit activity I certainly wouldn’t want my opinion interpreted that way,

I’m happy to self-censor and adjust accordingly. Sorry if what I said upset you. I’ve removed the post.

What has this got to do with how one feels when it is against the law?

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Big same except with my character name or my actual name where yours is and of course like on the forums I clean up the language a bit but otherwise I’m 100% the same here, in game, on Twitter, in Discord, in person, etc.

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Yeah I agree. It doesn’t take much effort to be a decent human being.

If someone doesn’t like me for being myself, that’s perfectly fine and I’m not going to pretend to be someone else or hide how I really feel behind a false persona.

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Well I didn’t know that, but for the sake of the forum I removed the post if there was any question about legalities. I think what I said was completely construed the wrong way though.

You’re an adult. It should be the first thing you should know, because it is actual common sense as well.

And assuming you’re from Australia, it is a federal law you’re breaking if you’re lying to social workers.


There is arguably never a good reason to not be honest with social services, unless they are blatantly breaking the law - in which case you get someone who can take your case, and you don’t interact with them directly.

Staying the course alone and lying, even for a valid reason, can be construed as perjury.


That’s not the same attitude everyone has to the internet, I mean the internet is a place where you can say things and things can happen that don’t get to happen in real life, that’s why they have started banning mobile/cell phones in schools as the internet often the wild west.

It actually didn’t, so I removed the post. It does demonstrate though that some laws disadvantage poorer people however. But I did remove the post anyway.

Lying :clap: is :clap: not :clap: how :clap: you :clap: fight :clap: unjust :clap: laws. It’s actually the fastest way to undermine any short-term success over the long term.


I think that one sentence really stuffed up the point I was trying to make sorry, but it’s okay, if it was going to cause an issue I self-censored and removed it,

Anyway will take a break from this thread for a while as want to have a respectful debate where people focus on the pros and cons of account wide ignore yes or no,

I’ll return to the thread later.

Nah that’s fine, dont worry


Removing the post doesn’t call for the right to you posting it in the first place.

That is society for you. But you fight it by all necessay means without breaking the law, otherwise, you’ll be forever in the wrong.