Can we get account wide ignore?

Those were more personal situations I was referring to at the time. Sadly i had to put up with someone I didn’t like who judged me as they had the skills to get a job done i needed…if they hadn’t made me feel insulted at the beginning then I wouldn’t have seen them as just a tool at the time to get what I wanted. Of course I have no remorse because as much as I hated them…they still got the job done. It was a lesson that sometimes in life we will have to work with people we don’t like to achieve our goals.

To be fair I will admit I didn’t like being in that position…I had to do a Sylvanas and play 4d chess, in the end though the only thing that matters are the outcomes. It’s easy to look down on someone especially poor people for making bad choices until you realise they are in a position where making an “immoral choice” is the only option.

To get back to Wow though here is the problem if people find out whose someone’s alts are on account wide ignore that could risk someone’s forum reputation from spilling over into the game as the person gets called out etc and bullied etc.

I know this is a private space but its a double edged sword as I don’t doubt that less privacy would stop some trolls but at the same point privacy allows people to speak more openly then they would otherwise feel comfortable. Of course that’s just my opinion.


I like your transmog.

sets out trays of chaos nachos


See, you can openly admit you’re not a trustable person and will 100% use people

False claims

Person reaps what they show, aka bullying according to you

Theres a reason people have negative connotations towards you, and it’s because of how you act, not some secret campaigne against you


You would have to really cheese someone off for them to go through all the effort that would be required to track down a person’s alts on the forums that way.

It would be far simpler to, you know, just ignore someone (including all their alts) and just move on.


Yea, way too much work to hunt people down on here and none of the people I ignore on here matter enough to waste any time on them

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Your forum reputation and your game reputation should be the same. You are them same person in both places.


Which is why Account Wide Ignore should exist. This thread contains 3-4 posters that have used multiple alts to circumvent blocks to continue forced engagement with people who do not wish to deal with them. A simple, universal, account wide block would make it more difficult for these block dodgers to continue their unwanted forced contact with anyone that puts them on ignore.


Plus… if it’s done solely at account level, there may not be a way of determining who’s an alt of who.

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Here is the thing Lilithia, how many times has this happened? Despite both should be treated the same, because you are the same person on the forums to who is playing the game, how many times has this actually happened?

You want a positive outcome, then you, and you alone, got to change your ways. Starting with not abusing peoples friendships, or using people, etc.

Because, you, and you alone, are responsible for your own behaviour.


Wait… I got some gifs for this…


We need that fire safety bear here saying that

“Only you can prevent you from being a knob”



Gutshredda delivers!

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Nah, what we need is a Kangaroo fight.

Always. Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Yea no one wants readID back, that was a disaster before it even happened


Nah we aren’t pushing for IRL identifiers.
Only a saner way of ignoring pests that choose to circumvent blocks to continue harassment and provocation of other posters.

Whack-A-Troll method that is currently implemented has too many ways to abuse it.


I dare Blizzard to make this into a toy.

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This is the only forum that Blizz has that operates this way. It’s due for an overhaul.

Only one other forum I know of operates similar, and it’s for EVE Online’s official ones. Hence the battlecry often heard in threads there: “Post with your main!”

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