Can we get account wide ignore?



There is, but to a certain context. It is complicated actually, but to put it into simpler terms, if switching alts to reply to a thread, then there is no rules. How ever, if a certain user places someone on ignore, and the other person keeps switching alts to keep replying to the person they’ve been ignored by from the person to continue bypassing the persons ignore, then it falls under harassment.

The Forum Code of Conduct does need a bit of an update to fully explain most of the things people can and can’t do, especially when switching around characters.


Good luck with your ticket. I wish mine went as smoothly.


To me there should be no reason for a person to change toons in a thread if they are still communicating with others besides doing so to bypass another person’s ignore.

Only logical reason I can see for doing it is if a person ishowing multiple toons in “Rate the mog” thread

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I change toons sometimes, depending on what my main is. I don’t try to hide behind them and I’m quite open about it when I do change.

I think there is plenty of examples to actually be for a reason to switch toons. However, switching toons to harass or trolling is not a reason.


This is Misbecky’s Halloween alt. I love his costume. It doesn’t work on her. That’s the only reason I will switch.

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Changing due to your current main makes sense . But most people don’t switch toons in thread other then maybe when it’s been necroed and they are on their latest main.

Most stay with the same toon while the thread is active.

Love your mog Farmoon.

But I don’t hide who I am.

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I can’t even hide myself, even if I tried. Just ask around, how easy I am to identify…

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Not to mention that fake you that was liking everything.

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Oh don’t remind me of that. I seriously hope Uul or Doobly, or whoever they truly are really thinks about there own behaviour, and take accountability for there behaviour, knowing they are in the wrong.


Some people also have a dynamic IP from their ISP, which periodically changes without anyone having to do anything.

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I think Ard thinks that this is the state of the forums, because he is incapable of thinking of motivations other than his own to explain what others are doing.


there is no way for someone to know if they’ve been placed on ignore.

support forum reps have actually recommended switching posting characters to get away from particular posters.
…mods have no way of knowing the reason behind people posting from different characters.

unless something falls clearly into the category of harassment, users have no recourse against posters they don’t want to interact with.

…which is why we need account wide ignore here.


There is more than enough proof across the 4816 replies in this thread alone that forum changes aren’t being pushed just for the good of the forums.


That is true. Not unless someone has announced it, there is no way. But people have been dealt with harassment in the past just for switching alts to bypass peoples ignores to directly reply to them too. As I said, it is complex on how this works.

+1 for accountwide ignores.


even if they have announced it, it doesn’t mean anything.

i’ve had plenty of people tell me they’ve put me on ignore.
…but they either forgot they said it, or just can’t help themselves and continue to reply to me.

on the other side of the coin, i’ve had someone who i’ve never interacted with previously, go ape at me for following them around, and attacking them.
i had no idea who they were, i went through their post history to see if we’d posted in any of the same threads… and nope.
they’d either mistaken me for someone else, or just needed some drama in their life.

if they believed what they were saying, they would have been able to put me on ignore and never have to deal with me again… IF ignore actually worked as a legit ignore… instead of the silly “soft ignore” which we’re stuck with.