Can we get account wide ignore?

They just run things here, if they wanted more positive vibes they’d have a tighter grip on here.

funny though this thread was almost death at 1 point but I guess Ard really love this thread as it’s more than happy to keep bumping it




For them to openly admitting bypassing your ignore, if I was you I’ll screen shot the comment and e-mail it to mod and make a formal complaint for harassment.

You wouldn’t have to do these extra steps if we had account wide ignore.


In what sense? I’m really tired of folks trying to apply one definition to every single place that can simply be read by members of the public.

It’s not really public either. To post here you have to have paid time on your account. The “public” can read anything here, but to post, they have to pay. No one here has a right to post.

The forums are “supposed” to be a positive environment for the players that ENJOY this game to discuss it. That guy and his ilk, this is lost on them, it’s a venue so they can dump garbage on anyone outside their narrow little world of misery.

Right, the requirement is an active game account. It’s a restricted-posting forum, which just so happens to be publicly-readable.

Not worth interacting with .

They kind of fall under what I call " If a person says something dumb in the forest and no one is around to hear them do the trees go wtf?"


Are you mad because people do not like your trolling?

Well here is a hint .
Stop being a troll
Maybe then people will stop putting you on ignore


Okay I like this. I’m stealing it… but leaving you 1 gold. Because I’m not actually stealing it.


why am I suddenly craving


a proper ignore function, is not capable of turning the forum into an echo chamber.

no matter how many times you repeat this, it will never be based on reality.

unfortunately, there are no rules about bypassing ignore on the forum.

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They don’t. Arfmcclown thinks he has the right to shove his words in your face, and you should be forced to listen to him and because of this he believes that allowing people to ignore not only his character, but all characters in his clown car, is a threat to his self assigned importance. Hence, why he comes up with nonsensical conspiracy theories where he portrays himself as a potential victim of some grand Illuminati master plan that doesn’t exist.


This is unfortunate since I was gonna do this right now since I just showered and did my hair and makeup but I guess I won’t bother then, really sucks though that people can do that and that others have to put up with it when we could and should have an ignore system that is account wide so when we ignore someone they are ignored for good like they don’t exist anymore so you can’t see them posting and vice versa them with you.


Eh, with the stuff we’ve seem people get hit hard for, I’d say it’s still worth a shot. And it’d be another data point for the mods that this is a needed fix


I’ll try it then because I was gonna do that anyway but I won’t hold out faith that anything will be done or changed either since well yeah I’ve seen thus far what’s changed and it’s been nothing except people not being able to post links except at rank three of trust level.


Well, from the forum CoC (I hope this helps):

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.

It could indeed fall under that section, given it’s intended to harass someone by bypassing.


So I wrote my ticket and I submitted screenshots with it, thanks to all of you for your advice and hopefully even if nothing gets done like done in my case, we will eventually see improvements to the forums, account wide ignoring, etc. so that it doesn’t keep happening to not only me but others as well.



Surely you can’t be serious?