Can we get account wide ignore?

Is it really a prediction if it’s just pointing out when something isn’t actually possible?


I can post but it won’t take you long to recognize others ignoring the same person.

You bond with those same people having the same ignore, then take that ignoring factor and translate it to other posters…eventually coming to the point where you’re not ignoring posters for trolling but something less ambiguous.

Then walla…an echo chamber is created. This process repeats across the forums until only distorted views of players who refuse to communicate with each other are being seen and everything slowly falls apart as whales fight casuals or vice versa.

In adding a more advance ignore to the forums just creates a new layer of issues.

So what? If you wasn’t so obtuse, people wouldn’t have to ignore you, it’s a you issue. No one has to listen to what ever you have to say, you have no right to be heard.

You are still reaching…


If posters did not let their pure hate for trolls bleed into these discussions then I would see no reason to oppose it.

Well, stop trolling then. Sounds like a personal issue.


Once more, these forums aren’t ran by trolls or sock puppets.

Posters are just overreacting or taking these posts too seriously.

You don’t save games with a perfect forum either.

No, we are just sick of people like you that have nothing better to do than crap on anything posted on the forums.

No, but we can do without players that bring nothing positive to the game


You can’t force everyone to smell roses whenever Blizzard handles Retail.

Thats not even speaking to the building resentment outside this environment.

Again, people like you need to be chased off as they bring nothing to the table and are here to poop on anything positive. We all know you harbor a deep rooted hatred of this game and the company, and your only reason here is to cause trouble.

Turning this forum into an echo chamber will kill it.

Nobody wants to punish anybody. They just don’t want to have to see anything the other person posts. I can’t see any leap of logic where that constitutes ‘punishment’.


As we continue in the current 2 month leg of “refusing to talk about reality” our front runner is still going strong by clinging to their delusional belief in the willingness of large numbers of people to work in perfect unison despite the evidence that the very thread provides of just how laughable wrong that is.


No it won’t.

The forums won’t be a cess pool of bitterness and hate.

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Not with the Blizzard or players of today.

A good start would for you to go away.

I’d be surprised if I was single handedly holding back forum changes.

No, but you leaving would be an improvement. You are that guy that has overstayed their welcome.


Then I’m lucky that this is a public forum.

And if pigs could fly they’d be chickens.


Not really, as your little buddy with the fake platitudes found out, you will eventually wear out your welcome from Blizzard.

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