Can we get account wide ignore?

makes about as much sense as the claim of forum tribes :crazy_face:


Realistically, I’m surprised their constant back and forth with people hasn’t gotten this one pulled down yet.

Because that’s the only reason they argue this much in every thread of this type. They want it to get pulled. Which is why some of us keep begging people to put them on ignore and stop responding, but well, we can’t control what others do. :dracthyr_hehe:

At any rate, morning support for an account-wide ignore (and preferably a bigger forum overhaul to address other problem areas)!


Good morning, afternoon or evening, or which ever part of the world you are all from. I’m here to say it is a good day or night to have account wide ignores, account wide flags/likes, account wide total post count, account wide trust levels.

We should be treated as if we’re actually one person behind the monitor, not 50 or 160, or which ever amount of characters we have behind the 1 monitor.


That’s not quite right, the imaginary $100 pathfinder mount was what they brought up to justify the whole thing where a streamer encouraged his fanbase to go after people in game who bought a store mount as a good hting.


I have most of them on ignore but atm I think the only 1 left posting here is Ard and well he’s a serial liar. But who knows maybe the 2 are silenced right now :person_shrugging:

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The same could be argued against the forum changes.

There’s no guarantee that it would work.

I know for a fact the joker with the fake niceness has already had 3 accounts suspended from the forums because of this thread.


Then maybe what we need is a 3 strikes and you are out for the IP address

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I wish, but IP and Hardware bans don’t work too well. Those can be easily changed.

I’m sure he’ll be back, he’s not very smart and keeps doing the same thing that gets him into trouble.


As an aside, Blizzcon tickets have failed to sell out for the first time in years.

Perhaps one of you can purchase a ticket for yourself and take this issue to the devs in person.

Not sure about IP ban being easily changable but in regards to hardware ban sure they can replace their stuff but man it’s going to be a very expensive way to troll if that ever happens

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You paying for my flight, accomadation, transport, food, and ticket?

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My money is spent elsewhere, like many others.

Just ignore the fox people if account wide forum ignore is such a big issue to him he’ll jump onto another toon.

In which he will prove our point or he’ll just move along to another thread.

He knows he can’t back anything up and continues to engage in hopes of getting the thread closed. Don’t give him the satisfaction .


If they aren’t selling all their Con tickets, I’d say Blizzard has larger priorities at this time.


There was a price bump and it’s gone from sold out instantly to having some breathing space, It’s not like its a sign of an unhealthy con for the passes to not sell out in minutes.


Not according to our buddy Ard. He thinks people will force everyone else to ignore their ‘forum enemies’.


Sounds pretty telling to me.

I mean it tells me that they found a price point that doesn’t sell out in minutes.


It also tells me its either too expensive or people don’t want to go.