Can we get account wide ignore?

The devil is in the details.

I can’t be held at fault for accounting for them.

had IT ignored for awhile now and probably the best move I’ve done


I had them on ignore for a while. I can’t let my IQ drop replying to them…


You’re not accounting for anything.

You’re bringing in non sequiturs that don’t have anything to do with the topic at hand.

Yes, there’s a lot of different playstyles and personalities in this playerbase.

That doesn’t really have anything to do with whether or not we should have a standard ignore.

I mean, frankly, your idea of ‘fixing’ the problem through added rules and harsher moderation is much more harmful to that environment as it changes things from allowing people to curate their own experience and bypass seeing people who may not be doing anything against the rules, but are a problem for that person and turns it into a situation where things where a person can just quietly deal with into an ignore would be stuck with hoping that moderator action would fix the problem.


This is such a huge thread that I don’t honestly feel like my lowly opinion will get seen, but as someone who was harassed both in this game and in everquest, I just can’t imagine why /ignore should ever do anything LESS than completely disconnect you from the offending account.

Just saying there are weirdos out there who put you on their friends list and then start messaging you the instant you log in. I actually deleted a warlock because the guy’s friends wouldn’t stop messaging me even when I had him blocked. They all kept using different characters and it was just too much, I could not take it.

One of the reasons I quit EQ was harassment issues. It wasn’t THE issue but it was definitely a big one. THE issue was more or less that soloing was the suck and I didn’t play at hours when other players were actually on, but hey, getting harassed did not help at all. I blocked a guy then he came at me on an alt. It may not be a big deal for some but that crap can be traumatizing depending on what your background is. I had to threaten to report him, pretty much.


If posters kept responses respectful and to the topic at hand there would be no issue.

Instead you expose your own hypocrisy by making these off handed comments that have nothing to do with forum changes.

Why should Blizzard give you what you want, when posters act like this.

So is that why you keep talking about anything but what the topic is?


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  1. Your voice has been heard.
  2. You have been seen.


People refuse to follow the rules, so the solution is obviously to add more rules? And you acknowledge this three minutes later:

You also say that increased moderation would help, then out the other side of your mouth claim Blizzard wouldn’t spend the money.

You know enhanced ignore functionality will work, but you still insist on suggesting alternatives you know won’t.

But then again, you keep saying there’s no reason for you to continue participating in the discussion, but you can’t seem to go more than a few hours without chiming in with the same irrelevant and off-topic blather.


I’m not so sure.



putting a player (or players) on ignore, does not prevent them from posting.

why do you continue to pretend that the forum is just two big hiveminds?

the only way your scenario could happen, is if ALL the threads were created by people who were placed on ignore by… almost everyone.

otherwise, people still see the threads.
they can still read the threads.
they can still respond to the threads with their own thoughts and feelings and opinions.


It’d be more than just two groups.

and they’d be ignoring different people.

if anyone at all.

i’ve been using these forums for 15 years or more, and the first time i’ve felt the need to put someone on ignore, was a few months ago.

i don’t know why you seem to think everyone wants to ignore everyone.

if that was the case, they just wouldn’t bother coming here.


Mostly due to the amount of vitriol present across GD.

uh… that’s WHY people come here.

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Everything they say is based off of a speculative “what if?” question that quite frankly isn’t even theirs to ask.


Why does bloodypaws think “if account wide ignores get implemented then people will ignore people” a good arguement agaisnt it.

Like, ignoring people is the whole point.

And don’t forget the gem that he thinks if account wide ignores get added blizzard will charge $100 for pathfinder! Ooooooooh spooky.