Can we get account wide ignore?

I mean, to be fair, they’re the kind to cry when the “Stop it” is too annoyed

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when do you think “stop it” becomes punch to the face?

I am not convinced posters can reach a fair consensus among ourselves.

Posters are too divided by grudges, hence requiring Blizzards intervention to settle the matter.

Which they choose to be apart from for some unknown reason.

I’m just saying that with what I’ve seen in this thread, they’re not gonna wait for it to get that far to cry. I mean, so far it’s been a lot of “See, these people are acting annoyed, that means they’re witch hunting stalkers who would hunt people down in the real world”


What the hell does that word salad have to do with ignore actually being an ignore?


For someone concerned with the money blizzard would need to spend you sure choose odd things to pick.

This would absolutely cost money beyond their standard budget for forum maintenance and development, requiring hiring, on boarding, retention ect.

A tweak to ignores will absolutely reduce if not remove things like sock puppeting. A full one account setup like this:

Would absolutely cut out most of not all of the current abusable systems and make this blizzard forum match the other blizzard forums.

“Free me from my prison”.

Do it blizz. I dare ya.

Right? Less money blizz needs to spend on chasing our minor inconveniences. Lol

You really don’t see how you bounce back and forth and don’t really have a stance beyond not wanting an ignore do you?

You contradict yourself so often.

With the amount of conflict that boils over these kind of topics, I’d wager any developer looking in on this suggestion would say that we’ve talked ourselves out of getting any impactful changes just for the sheer vitriol present across these topics.

Whne most of us would likely be “hey, leave us be and we will leave you be, all we care about is getting to the point we don’t interact”. Why would we stalk those that annoy us down?


I’m enjoying how they’re pretending how someone no longer seeing someone else’s posts is some sort of electronic vigilante justice


No, that would be flagging or reporting trying to get something to stick and get someone banned… kinda like what they seem to want to do.

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And with that you say nothing at all just to side step anything brought up to you.

If you had a good reason I feel like you’d be more consistent.


Except Ard there keeps acting like if we have an ignore that we’re somehow in power over others and can impact their usage of the forums. Exaggerating wildly to try and hopefully trick people into thinking there’s something dangerous about an ignore


Only danger about an ignore is those that troll for attention will become attention starved if their preferred targets ignore them.


I am only one man.

THey are more like bullies that cry victim when the person they are bulying has had finally had enough and pops them in the nose


From your lips to Ibarra’s ears.

If we’re talking money cuts, thats the best option.

Comes with some bad publicity but they don’t seem to mind that kind of press these days.

It’s the same people that would get offended at you wearing ear muffs so you don’t hear them yelling from across the street about politics or gender or whatever. They’re self entitled nutjobs who know that the ability to ignore them is the only real threat they face.

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Why is it so hard to understand that having the ability to ignore all of one person’s tunes, characters, post, threads, etc … Is not the same as censoring the person from speaking?

Why is that so hard to understand??

Account wide ignore is not saying that “so and so” cannot ever post on these forums … All it’s saying is that if I, Nadrela, decide to ignore “XYZ person” that I actually, truly want to ignore “XYZ person”, not just “XYZ tune”.!

Nobody’s “rights” are being trampled on here…

Nobody is being censored…

No reason for the tin foil hat to be deployed.

So … all of the arguments that have been made by all of the sock puppet account are null and void; and there really is no reason to continue this discussion … other than to say …

Blizzard. Please give us account wide ignore!

PS. I don’t believe that the assertion that these are public forums actually works in this particular context because they are not public forums. They are blizzards forms, and you need a an account to post. Therefore, it’s not a free-for-all and even then you’re “rights” are not being trampled on.

Edit - sorry I did the post speech to text and then squirreled and forgot to go back and proof read. I am so sorry that it made very little sense originally.


Because they want to be heard by everyone and being ignored without any sort of way to get around it without making a new acount and paying the sub fee to access the site would impede on that want to be heard. Everyone has a right to ignore and distance themself from an individual they have a negative experience with, you don’t have the right to force people to hear you if they wish to not talk with you.

They also think that stating an unpopular opinion (i.e Shadowlands being a good expansion) will have some people on edge and hold “grudges”: towards whoever said that unpopular opinion. I don’t know how often this happens here but to be honest, I don’t think the whole notion that you will be mass ignored if you state an unpopular opinion is not going to be a big deal that they are making it ought to be.