Can we get account wide ignore?

Which is why we have ignore, but what good is ignore if it is not a total black out and account wide?

Really, that is all those of us that want account wide ignore are asking for.

Currently, it often feels like you and your ilk are PUNISHING others for DARING to ignore you, maybe you and others should take your own advice instead of pushing “rules for thee but not for me”.


A public forum means what exactly? You go to a public park, does that mean you have the right to be heard by people who just want to enjoy there day out at the park?


If a situation has reached the point where you need account wide lockdowns, then you probably shouldn’t have kept engaging with said posters.

None of us here are arbitrators, acting like we are often incites more negative behavior.

It means you can’t control who has or hasn’t got a voice in the park, it is impossible to create a park where nothing bad is going to enter it to offend someone’s senses.

If someone escalates a situation where they’re creating a public disturbance then authorities get involved, otherwise in most outlier situations you just have to move on with your day.

And if repeated issues occur that the authorities cannot contain.

They try a different approach.

So we should get an account wide ignore feature.


Which will just create new issues.

Ard, that is a NSS, no (explicative) Sherlock, deal. We know we shouldn’t have kept engaging with them, but they keep TRYING to engage with US. With account wide ignore, especially if it is a black out/the ignore makes it so they don’t exist for us, we don’t see them, so we don’t even see them TRYING to engage with us.

If you really want to avoid things like account wide ignore, don’t look at the ones asking for it, look at the ones that can’t take the hit of “we are ignoring you cause we don’t want ot deal with you” through their thick heads. and try to get them to stop.

So because fools can’t take the hint, we should not have the ability to cut them from interacting with us? If we ignore htem, and it is account wide,l we just remove ourselves from dealing with them, if the bulk of the forums ignore them, maybe the issue is not us, it is them.


Except the system won’t be used in the fashion you think it will.

If players are already false flagging posts, what will they do when they can cut out posters all together?

You’d end up with communities who just cut all ties off with one another and present distorted views on the forums. It’ll be echo chambers battling echo chambers, none of the conflict will disappear just by giving posters afew more tools.

Wait I thought we were all Sendryn

And that is why people should have the right to fully ignore anyone they want.
You do not have a right to be heard by everyone on any of your toons . You only have the right to be heard by those that chose to do so .

No one outside of goverment has to respect your right to free speech including Blizz if the choose not to.


Didn’t even mention free speech.

Plus if Blizzard wanted to they could turn off the lights on these forums.

Having literally tried desperately to get two communities to stop talking to one another so they’d stop their pointless forum wars before.

Nah it wont.

See here how we keep engaging with you? It’s just not how things realistically happen. Especially not here.


If posters want conflict to end then they should be asking for stronger moderation as well as an update to the CoC.

A tweak to ignores isn’t going to fix anything.

To use logic you have before, adding a better ignore is MUCH cheaper than hiring more people.


It’d be cheaper still to switch the forums off. :person_shrugging:

Also, the first step in ending conflict should be with us, not Blizzard or forum mods, but US. Which means we need the tools to enable US to put a halt to conflict before it even begins.

Which will do more in ending conflict:

  1. being able to remove ourselves in a way that means we can’t be dragged back in
  2. expecting Blizzard to play momma and force us to play nice with each other?

Was not thinking of that, yeah, that does seem interesting that they’re so worried about people ignoring others, but are REALLY eager for people to be actioned and cut off from the forums.


That isn’t going to work, since neither side would agree to anyone having the ability to arbitrate the other.

You’re doing the thing again where you’re arguing against a point that no one is making


Well, they are the “I am not touching you” part of the “I am not touching you/stop it” deal and then the kind to cry when it becomes "I am not touching you/punch to the face.