Can we get account wide ignore?


I agree . If I don’t see what they are saying , then I’m fine not with them not seeing what
I am saying . They can still interact with those that are willing to do so with them .

Encouraging witch hunting in any capacity isn’t contributing to a better forum environment.

The only one wanting to witch hunt is yourself. You’re the only one who mentions it.

Thanks for your contribution Ard, we know you’re all for BTags or Account Wide Forum Ignores.


Well I saw the same argument as before being made so I figured I’d better chip in again.

Since the small collective here doesn’t represent the capability, capacity or ability of the other users that will re-misuse these forums should any major format changes be made.

Very much agree!!!


What are you saying? We are borg?

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I’m saying that the issue is overblown, by posters who can’t let their outrage go.

Trolls and sock puppets don’t control these forums.

Angry posters don’t care about the ramifications to the rest of the user base as long as they get their way.

Or maybe


The only people I see being angry are the ones who keep coming to these threads to post utter nonsense with nothing of value to the discussion.


I do like the projection they’ve got going on saying the people who want this are a tiny group.


I see a discussion that one side doesn’t want the other to participate in.

But you are proof that it is not for lack of trying. If it is not that big of deal, why are you and others continuously trying to shut down discussion of it? Why are you even in these topics?

You keep activating my “methinks he doth protests too much” alarm, and that is only activated when fools try to project or put what they would do to others if such was implemented.


This is a public gaming forum.

Why should anyone be barred entry.

I did make that Burning Bridge comment sometime ago, but maybe this song will shed some light on why it can be better to burn those bridges:

It’s not that I don’t want you to participate, just that I don’t understand why you do. You’ve repeatedly made clear that you believe Blizzard wilfully ignores the playerbase, so why do you feel the need to try to rebut the opposing opinion? You’ve also explicitly said that Blizzard would never make these changes for an ever- evolving number of reasons, so, again, why argue against them if they’re never going to happen anyway?

Feel free to dodge these questions as is your habit.


So posters can see both sides.

If your idea was so bullet proof they’d of done it by now.

Ongoing silence isn’t much of a good response from Blizzard.

Nobody is baring anyone from being on the forums. But nobody has the right to be seen by everyone if people do not want to see there post.


Nobody’s barred entry from anywhere but they can be tossed out for a whole lotta reasons :dracthyr_tea:

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It’s a public forum.

You’re inevitably going to see something that will offend your tastes.