Can we get account wide ignore?

I’m fortunate then that Blizzard runs these forums.

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“eventually kills the forums.”

Not as much as trolls, stalkers, bullies, and abusers … but sure putting an entire account on ignore will divide the playerbase and kill the forums. Whatever … :person_facepalming:

I will take a slower “dead” forum rather than your utopia of trolls, bullies, stalkers and asshats. But you do you!


/sarcasm for the sock-puppet trolls that might try and make it out like I am agreeing with them

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"I rest my case.’

As in puting your case to rest in a grave??? because you certainly didn’t make any point or case at all.

Nice try, but just sayin’ “rest my case” doesn’t automatically mean you made your point and won the argument. It doesn’t work that way. You actually have to make a logical argument with real world facts not made up bs.


God, there is nothing more entertaining while at work than watching bloodypaws try to argue.

“How will account ignores kill the forums?”

“Bananas are yellow. I rest my case.”

It’s like watching a toddler trying to process information.


Seeing as how posters just want to point fingers there isn’t anything more to be said at this time.

At the end of the day if posters choose to be against forum changes then that’s their choice, to say anyone who does is just a troll, villain or whatever else negative is dishonest in itself and sours the notion that these changes are being pushed for the good of the forums as a whole.

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If there was any valid reason, you would have a point.

You drooling on about $100 pathfinder = account wide ignores is not only not valid but delusional.

You make my point for me. :neutral_face:

That you don’t actually have an arguement?

I know.


More the insults which is likely a breach of the CoC.

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Trolling is also agaisnt the coc bloodypaws.

Maybe we can hold hands as we go down together?

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I’m confident that if anyone found me breaching the CoC posts would’ve been hidden by now.

And yet you just keep right on saying it.


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I mean same I guess?

You wanna hop on all your alts and flag me iskandar?

I’m not that petty over the forums.

You seem to be.

Checks notes 6 months later.


Long time to keep tabs on someone.

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Not hard to remember the crazy guy screaming on the side of the road that “the end is near”.

You are always around in these threads spreading misinformation and rambling on about things unrelated to the topic.


If not me it’ll be someone else.

These topics tend to follow a trend whether I’m here or not.

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I hope one day you can finally grow a spine big enough to walk away from a topic you clearly know nothing about. As evidenced by your hilarious array of desperate attempts at made up head cannon.