Can we get account wide ignore?

good choice


Looks like communication in this broke down well before the 200 odd comments before I came in.

Difference is most posters have moved on and I’m still here.

The problem is one side is not here to communicate.

You’re here to annoy people and argue in bad faith to get a reaction you can use to get another thread shut down. If you were here to communicate you wouldn’t keep dodging points and moving goalposts.

(collective you for however few people are running most of the characters posting against standard ignores)


Thats because they’re not upset that their threads got shut down for everyone’s poor behavior, which is the point many posters gloss over to make their arguments look unassailable.

To be honest I’m ok with people being a pessimist in regards to some aspects of the game . We all have aspects of the game that we are pessimistic about as well as optimistic.

It’s the ones that constantly come in to troll are the ones I want to be rid of . I don’t want to have to mute each thread they make separately , I just want to ignore them completely to the point I don’t even see any threads they might make on ant

Demonstrating again the refusal to actually engage with the point being made.


My man, there is no accountability on the other side either.

Why should one side yield when yours won’t?

What does that have to do with what I said?

You whined about lack of communication while refusing to actually communicate, like you’re doing here by ignoring the point made and talking about something unrelated that you want to talk about.


Be more specific then.

…or would that be a direct callout?

Look at this guy, claiming everyone will ignore anybody they disagree with, all the while surrounded by people that vehemently disagree with his fabricated problems. People that aren’t ignoring him (though they absolutely should, IMHO).


Exactly the point.

If they want ignores to work then they should stop talking to me.

There’s so much to choose from just from your responses today. You don’t engage with the points being made and instead just pivot to something else.

Like when it was brought up when you claimed that a standard ignore system would kill the forum and it was pointed out it’s the same ignore system that all the other blizzard forums (as well as tons of other forums) uses, and it has not killed them, you handwave away the point with an unrelated comment about the age of WoW.


And what’s preventing you from being the bigger man? You claim that Blizzard won’t ever make the requested changes, so there’s really no reason for you to be here arguing against those changes.

Why don’t you take the high road and quit baiting people? Or come right out and admit your hypocrisy.

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My contributions to this thread are to keep things in perspective.

There are views that oppose these changes and I won’t be as easily as intimidated away as others have been by posters looking to enthusiastically engage in witch hunts by isolating posters they don’t like.


In my experiences the two worst offenders are the trolls, and the arm chair experts who apparently are versed in everything. The kinds whose lives are clearly :poop: and exude that internal sadness by feeling compelled to talk down, condescend, morally highground, belittle, or “um, akshually” everything and anything.

I personally post a lot from time to time- usually about cool features, ideas, or changes I’d like to see. I am always open for constructive debate as to why my ideas may not work, or what alternatives there could be. But that collection are so deeply-rooted into a blind trust of Blizzard, that any suggestion elsewhere is considered blasphemy that could ruin the game. Even if many of the exact ideas I propose end up happening in the game 6 months to 5 years later and everything being fine.

It’s just such pointless negativity, and grumpy old man energy afaic. These forums really are constructed in a way that negativity can thrive and shut out people who just want to offer ideas.

Exactly. I’d like a setting where instead of just muting these people, they and all of their many alts would be blocked from seeing my posts entirely. Social media-style old-fashioned block.

Not that this hasn’t been entertaining, but why do those of you who complain about the same posters arguing the same points continue to feed their arguments? :sweat_smile:



What has that got to do with anything in this thread? Troll.


He’s defending the whole thing where the one streamer encouraged his followers to go after people who had a store mount in game.


And yet you will continue to troll.