Can we get account wide ignore?

Back on ignore. I keep hoping that eventually Ard will come up with something that makes sense to someone, but he never seems to fail to disappoint.


This is such a vibe, plus this was just top GIF for my keyword search and it’s adorable.


I mean if you’re just going to get upset over everything or anything then there really isn’t much point in debating any further.

This isn’t a debate.

You’re just making stuff up to justify bad behavior while vilifying a request for a standard forum feature.

And if you’re gonna stand up for actual bad behavior that happened, don’t pretend to be concerned about some nebulous hypothetical with no basis in reality.


I rest my case.

Good luck wrestling for control of the forums I guess?

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So tell me more about the $100 mount that gives start of expansion flying without pathfinder?


~makes up random stuff

~gets called on it

~accuses others of getting upset as a means of deflection

~more random made up stuff while lowkey telling people to just be quiet and go away because they don’t like the sense they’re making

Typical conversation with that one. Good luck going nowhere.


I uhh… when did OW and Diablo players quit playing WoW? I’m confident plenty of posters in those forums post here and play WoW, too.

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eh, just in a forum fightin’ mood

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You had no case to begin with you are mainly pushing misinformation without anything factual or sourced to actually back it up or making it up, if you are going to build a case and then try to rest it at least know the basics of case building.


As far as I can see, in the case of this thread you’re not allowed to be against forum changes otherwise you’re a villain or a troll.

That is the hypocrisy I am highlighting just by my presence alone.

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That seems to be the cheering on actual harassment and harassers and vilifying people who just want a simple ignore feature like most forums have. And you are doing a great job at highlighting that hypocrisy.


At this point you’re just writing my own story for me. :person_shrugging:


In the case of this thread and the battletag thread I hadn’t really ever interacted with you but I have read your posts and continue to do so but being real about it you do a great job of making yourself look like a villain and a troll so why are you acting surprised when that’s exactly how people perceive you?


the funny thing is even if I dont look at IT’s post I can already tell what it’s already saying. It’s a consistent on repeat even if it’s been debunk by everyone since 4 threads ago


Let me present something more on topic than some people bring to this thread


It is usually only in the context of this issue, as I suspect many blame me specifically or wholly for being responsible for the closure of previous threads when that isn’t usually the case.

Plus not many posters are going to take the time to contest these kinds of controversial issues.


I couldn’t find a GIF with the short answer no and long answer no so I picked the no cat. :yum: :yum: :yum: