Can we get account wide ignore?

Keep in mind, most of these people are likely of the thought of “I am doing nothing wrong, I am being kind/polite/etc and people should want to interact with me”. One thing some people need to get through their heads is their rights end where the rights of others begin.

It is like the old “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” the places with those signs might not need any real reason, but most likely would serve any that were not causing issues or making problems for other customers.


Maybe I’m dumb - it’s entirely possible - but if someone’s public profile is set private does that mean you can’t put them on ignore? Without jumping through the ridiculous hoops I mean. I’m on mobile right now and the option to ignore someone isn’t even there.


He can’t because the system hasn’t been implemented. His “facts” are based off of testing of the current FLAWED system that he currently abuses via alt hopping, liking his own posts, harassment likes by using his alts to like peoples posts just to remind them he is there while he intentionally circumvents blocks.

Every time he posts, he does one of the actions mentioned above, or jumps on a new alt to continue his trolling… he just adds more fuel to the fire that the proposed system is needed.

One of the most comical parts of all of his trolling is that he used a alt to argue for Account Wide Ignore early in the thread. Then he got called out for being a known forum troll and has continued his temper tantrum in this and the other thread calling for better ignore features in game.


THey probably do since it is probably a few of their alts in there




Guys just stop feeding the troll. It knows it’s on an ignore list by alot of posters here and it’s still replying. The sooner you do that the sooner it’ll change to another burner toon


If you stopped trying to make this a one sided argument then the backlash wouldn’t have been as intense.

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That’d really only work if they only had one person on ignore. After that, any new alt that shows up as ignored could be an alt of anyone on their list.

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yea soon as I see a hidden reply I dont bother opening it. I know for a fact that there nothing worth to read in there. And it’ll also help w/ my sanity on avoiding the BS that they would post

EDIT: Like what just happen on my previous post just now. I guess troll are seeking my attention again


Well I don’t think it’s fair to block/ignore people for simply coming across as ‘creepy’ with ‘vibes off’ when they actually haven’t done or said anything wrong

I am not saying there aren’t valid reasons to block/ignore someone, like if someone is clearly saying offensive sexist/racist rubbish or whatever.

So I am not saying by any means people who ignore others are bad people…there are plenty of valid reasons. I just believe in some cases giving someone the silent treatment can be very damaging…like you if you are doing it just to hurt someone, OR you are doing it because you think it will make the other person better somehow or change their behavior. Or if they are just avoiding a confronting situation.

Sometimes people who are ignored/get the silent treatment can get very depressed, and feel betrayal and bitterness…to put it simply, there is a difference between ignoring an obvious clown and blatant ostracism. I don’t believe any problem can be solved by ignoring it, goodness I remember the days when I would do nothing but play WoW all day because I didn’t have the social connections to go out into the real world.

For me the worst sin isn’t to hate others but to be indifferent to them. All throughout my life, have tried to get help getting ahead in the world but so many people’s attitude has been to try to make things someone else’s problem. And I think as a society we are all damaged when we try to make a person someone else’s problem rather than just dealing with them.

Granted, this isn’t the real world this is just an online forum/game but you get the gist.

Anyway those are just my personal beliefs.

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this is ongoing harassment, and if you report it as such, it is taken very seriously.

i’m not your friend, i don’t know you, i don’t want to know you, and your behaviour of forcing yourself into my view after i’ve already placed your alt on ignore is inappropriate.

and now, because we don’t have an account wide ignore, i have to waste my time ignoring your alts to get away from you.

thanks for contributing to the “reasons why” we need account wide ignore, pal.


Really, any that don’t get the idea that ignore means “we don’t want anything to do with you” and keeps trying to force engagement is just being RUDE.


Don’t bother responding because once posted I will be ignoring you

I think it is totally fair for people to ignore people for any reason .

You don’t have a right to be heard by everyone just those that chose to do so .

As for people ignoring others because they come off creepy then stop being creepy and they might not ignore you .


That’s what I report it for, personally, when they’re responding to the same subpost multiple times to bait someone into responding to them and when they reply to responses in this thread from like a month ago.

Oh HECK this reminds me that I need to get caught up on Saga.


How would they even know unless they took the effort to open all the hidden messages?

That would kind of defeat the purpose of the ignore, wouldn’t it?

If I ignore someone I don’t care how many alts they have, I don’t want to deal with any of them.

Ignore should be the PERSON, I.E. the account, not just the character.


Thats victim blaming

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Victim Blaming has become the cry of those that think they do no wrong when things they don’t like happen to them.

Thing is, it often takes 2 to tango and while everyone is able to make their own choices, sometimes there is that little thing called temptation, or making it so that something happens due to once own actions or whatever, that the one doing those actions does not like.

In essense, it is a you are free to do as you want, but you are not, and should not be, free from the consequences of your actions, more so if your actions lead to someone having to choose between doing on thing or another.


i don’t think you know what that term means.

if someone doesn’t want to see what someone else says, that’s their choice.
if someone chooses to not see your posts, you are not a victim.

the only way there is a victim, is when a person chooses to not hear from someone, but that someone is still able to force themselves onto that party by switching posting characters.


Oh, by the light… I beg thee moderators, give thy the ban hammer just for an hour… just an hour, I plead for thee.

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So that’s some really charming language

“You all aren’t real people, you’re cartoons we should be able to screw with as much as possible”