Can we get account wide ignore?

Which isn’t going to disappear overnight even if Blizzard gives pro supporters what they want.

They close those previous threads and the hate still burns hot to this day.

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So, I remember some time ago either on this thread or one that got closed, a certain goat / crocodile poster was making the rounds and faking their politeness in the most condescending manner. And another user said that it was creepy and / or uncomfortable.

Their response in this thread is to triple down on being an actual creep calling them “lovely” and such.

I’m literally watching people being sexually harassed on the forums, in real time, and their posts are being unflagged because they aren’t swearing directly at people.

Whatever the joke was, it stopped being funny long time ago. not that it was ever funny to begin with. this things just reeks of desperation.

I love the game, and I try to look for the positives in the community, and those users do not represent a majority of it because there are actual, genuine cool or interesting people on here. but i am thinking of just taking a break from the forums alltogether. at least for a while. because this is just gross.


They are posting in this topic because it gives them what they crave. Attention.


I am genuinely in awe of this thread. All these people claiming to want accountwide ignores, yet they can’t manage to muster the will to ignore even a single obvious and shameless troll?? Why do you all insist on engaging with someone so blatantly (and successfully, it seems) derailing the topic?

Why would Blizzard waste their resources allowing you to ignore entire accounts if you can’t even manage to ignore one character?

Part of me would rather not, because opinions on this topic can get quite heated, but I’ve been reflecting a lot of things the past month…and I feel I’ve had a lot of personal growth…so I will express my view on why I don’t approve, but I will try not to do so in a way that disrespects the people on the other side of the argument.

Okay, so the reason I disapprove of account wide ignores, is simply for the fact that in the past when someone would ignore you, or you had cogshanks, people stalking your alts if they decided for whatever reason they didn’t like you was rampant.

Let’s be honest, the internet isn’t the same as real life, I was out with a friend today that told me that a lady she met at a disco was actually constantly pestering her to hang out. This wasn’t the last thing I expected, as my experience of the lady in question was that she was incredibly shy, not willing to dance with anyone, very reserved, she’s the last person I expected to be almost harassing someone constantly to spend time with them. But the internet can sometimes bring out other sides to people.

So my view is that a lot of the time, someone can decide they don’t like someone, even hate them, for what I believe are irrational reasons. Some people hold grudges for way too long! How do I know this? Because I’m one of those people…some people I haven’t found it in my heart to forgive for what they put me through, even if my life is in a decent place now.

Account wide ignore would create a situation where if I switched to a different forum alt, everyone would know who that alt is.

Now to be fair, I get the other side of the argument is that someone doesn’t want to keep associating with a specific individual, they shouldn’t have to do so. This might sound fair in principle but in reality there are way too many people that will seek revenge, by calling out someone’s alt to try and name and shame them. That’s the issue.

So the question is how can we have account wide ignores without some people trying to damage someone’s reputation that they had a fallout with or whatever? Some people might say ‘if you care about your reputation don’t be a rude loser then!’ and that’s fine, but a lot of the time in my experience, things are taken out of context, and there are misunderstandings, especially online.

Just something to think about.

The sorry state of your reputation is your own doing, dear heart.


They wouldn’t.

If posters could bury the hatchet then this thread would’ve ended long ago.

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If there’s one super power I could have more than anything in the world, it would be the ability to reverse time itself so I could make different choices, so if some friendships that didn’t work out I could skip and give a miss long before they showed their true colors, I also would know what not to do and be able to avoid repeating the same mistakes,

People aren’t forgiving enough in this world unfortunately, they are divided into their own cliques. I would love to live the past 4 years of my life over so could make some different choices.

Then again, maybe won’t need to reverse time, as there is some hope for this world that I’ve seen recently…I don’t know what it is, I just feel a certain shift in the world’s energies…maybe by the time I’m 40 the world will be a better fairer place…maybe…I’m keeping faith in that.

Oh and by the way…in case you didn’t hear an answer in that, it’s because in my mind people use the block/ignore button on the internet for completely invalid reasons.

I ignored them.

They came back on an alt… to prove exactly why we need account wide ignore.


There is no such thing as an “invalid reason” to ignore someone online. People have the right to NOT associate with whomever they want to. If someone does not ever want to see your posts again, or talk to you, they have that right. It does not matter if they dislike the color of your shirt, the name of your character, or what you say. You can’t make people pay attention to you. They have the right to not pay attention to someone for any reason, or no reason at all should they want to.


If we had account wide ignore and had you on ignore and you switched toons , the toon you had on ignore would be ignored too and we wouldn’t give an aerial fornication of what it has to say .

Everyone has their own valid reasons for ignoring and blocking. Not wanting to deal with you or reading what you have to say is valid.

Just remember the only people you have the right in here to be heard by are those that chose to do so. Not a government entity so no one is actually obligated to recognize anothers free spech rights in here.


I wouldn’t mind it in the forums (especially if we consolidate our posts and stuff) and I’d love it in game. I’ve gotten harassed plenty of times and I’d block one and they just create a new lvl 1 alt and keep going.

Hey fun fact, people can use the block/ignore for whatever reason they want

You don’t get to control if other people have to see you


This has to be broken because every single time I made a new alt Ive had to ignore that spammer warrior on stormrage trade chat

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In game it is only account wide ignore on another person on the toon that ignored them .

You have to go back and ignore separately with your alts.

This thread is about having an account wide ignore for the forums but I pretty sure we would like a system in the game where when we ignore an account it carries over to all our toons.


Literally nobody here cares what you think would be a good idea.


Only if they cared enough to open the hidden post and check.

I think most folks wouldn’t bother. I know I don’t.


Whoever replied, your post is hidden so I don’t know who you might be, nor will I be checking.


People have the right to ignore whatever they deem fit, either because they were rude, the vibes are off or they don’t provide anything meaningful to the discussion and all they do is troll. There is no “Invalid reason” here.

If you have an issue with people ignoring you and you feel the need to swap to an alt, you should probably take a look at your post history on your characters to warrant why you got ignored by those people in the first place. Swapping to an alt just to get people to interact with you when they have no interest in interacting with you for whatever reason and putting you on ignore goes against the boundaries.


Actually, we enjoy the forums. We just don’t enjoy you and your fake friendliness.


You are not my friend. I would never have a friend who wears false faces. Also, you have no idea what my ignore list looks like. It’s actually quite small, and you would be on it if you didn’t change characters faster than I change my underwear.