Can we get account wide ignore?

I love the math “Don’t do something that would make the forums better for most of the users because there aren’t that many of them. AND if you did that, than one dude with too much time on their hands may try to brute force their way into finding people’s alts and we have to prevent that hypothetical singular action from happening!”


Yes, mine as well if they could actually provide real factual evidence from reliable sources which has been requested by myself and many others in this thread many times now, my position might change but not until then.


Its amazing logic. I cannot even remotely imagine coming up with this stuff… too busy actually looking into the problem and how I’d really want to do it I guess. lol

I’ve asked them and that vulpera alt enough times I’d think one of em would have tried a little bit at least.


I’m kind of sad we have stopped seeing the REALLY wild excuses.

There was one of them saying we shouldn’t have this kind of ignore because it would kill RP.

RP in this case being people pretending to bother their friends who then ignore their characters on the forums, and it was a really impressive bit of BS


The real life problem for them is Account Wide ignores would trigger them because they would no longer be able to trigger others :grin:

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That is wild… and really scummy.


Makes me wonder if they think the forums are a place to RP a troll or someone not entirely altogether who can’t understand how offensive it might be to others…

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I’m not positive, but I have a feeling that it was one of their alts in a thread they helped get deleted


They always seem to come into these threads trying to troll and start drama in order to get them delisted or deleted, thankfully with this one it hasn’t worked because what they have proven thus far is that account wide ignore needs to be added to stop people like them from trolling, harassing, sockpuppeting, etc. from character to character.


and occasionally start unrelated troll threads too


Oh yeah they were the one who made that one thread… about Dragon riding?


They have also proven that ignore needs to be a complete blackout, no seeing them reply, no seeing their likes, no seeing their quotes from others, etc.

It has gotten to the point where I think if they try to reply, like, etc. someone that has them on ignore, they get a "nice’ little message, like “so and so has you on ignore, they will not see this nor anything from you, if you hop toons and they ignore that one, that will be 2 strikes, do it again and YOU"RE OUT”.


Yup, that’s the one


I agree with you, I’ve had them reply @ me a few times tonight and all I see is the ignored content message and I won’t unhide the reply because I don’t care what they have to say but I would prefer it if I didn’t even see they replied at me or if they didn’t see my posts at all either way would work for me honestly and account wide ignoring would do exactly that.


Never invited to any parties or get togethers ever


In my circles they’d have been told off for being rude.

Honestly they haven’t done anything that would have lead to a physical altercation. They’re just rude snots.

I think the answer to this would vary depending who you are asking, like for me I have found them and find them annoying but it’s not anything past that so I’d just not hang with them, talk to them, etc. because I don’t need that type of negativity ruining my positivity.


Yeah, I expect so, but you never know how one will react or how much they can take.

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People I hang out w/ dont condone violence. But let’s just say they’ll need to find new people to talk to really really fast. People like them are a definition of toxic

EDIT: Also honestly I kinda see why they need the forums to stay how it is. It’s human interaction for them since they can’t get them irl