Can we get account wide ignore?

You have yet to be polite once in any of these threads.



I just want to point out that if they were actually nice most of us wouldn’t have them on ignore multiple times, then again it should’ve been one and done ignore but whatever.


I mean, it would help if they stopped ignoring what other people say to keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again.


Less than 2% of WoW players exist on the forums. There are a lot of lawyers because its the entire population of X country. If you cut back to 2%, there will be very few lawyers.

Certainly few would manage to succeed.

No, there is a potential issue that would need to be considered for Btags being visible.

I am hardly working at “All Costs” for this or much of anything forum related. Its a game for Elune’s sake. lol

Its inappropriate to put words in my mouth that are not true.

There are three. Two LGBTQIA+ threads and the San’layn thread. You can go do it right now. I literally tested this for you far back in this thread. Even after you pretended you did.

You haven’t been polite at all this entire time. Its feigned sarcastic politeness which is the opposite. Just stop, like for real.

Like talking to my “high class” relatives.

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Refuse to share it here in this thread. I’ve already made my thoughts and concerns known to Blizzard through twitter. Went to the source after my research on it. lol

See above.

No, hun, you’re not. I ain’t gonna go out of my way to be rude sure, but don’t pretend you’re being anything close to polite.

Thought you’d say that. I went and did it directly after I posted last and it worked just fine. You’re lying. Again.

Very very obviously, yes.

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what real life problem would that be?


They wouldn’t get any human interaction since trolling, harassing, sockpuppeting, etc. on the forum seems to be their interactions because they don’t want other people to be able to actually ignore them.


i put you on ignore because i didn’t want to hear from you.

you switched characters so you could force yourself back into my sight.

that is the opposite of something which “works perfectly”.


Clearly not. Its an odd hill to lie on.

So you’d say since you can’t take my word for it anyways that it has no relevance and you are still unaware of any credible reason to be concerned about Account Wide Ignore features for the forums?

Glad to hear it.

Then do that instead of what you’re doing.

Fake Politeness is just rudeness for society gatherings.

Show your data to justify this concern.

This is why we need Account Wide Ignores.


sounds like a load of pork pies.

if you placed me on ignore via your other character (which you didn’t) then it wouldn’t have carried over to the character you’re currently posting on.

the only reason i know who Uul is, is from watching the thread.
I have had no prior interaction which I’m aware of with this specific character.
…yet I’d put your other character on ignore, which is probably why you switched to an alt.


I’d put your alt on ignore.

…which apparently you couldn’t handle.

so you switched to another character, to force yourself back into my world.

(and I’m guessing i’m not the only one)

You clearly understand that the “ignore” doesn’t actually ignore.
If it did, you wouldn’t be able to see my posts… right?


I think most of us have ignored that person multiple times on multiple characters which reinforces why account wide ignore should be a thing because we shouldn’t have to ignore the same person again and again and take up the space on our ignore list to ignore each and every one of their alts, it should be one and done.


So you have no data to justify your concern? Player population has nothing to do with the cost. Where do you get this high cost from? Show your data to justify this concern please.


I stopped arguing with the troll, I’d get a better conversation from a broken soap dish.


Oh I have one of those!

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Just wondering, since the one keeps saying they have been nothing but polite, well:

Which is the polite response if someone does not want to deal with you:

  1. let them be, respect their wishes and not try to force them to interact with you
  2. hop on alts, reply to them, like their posts and try to get them to engage with you?

They don’t seem to have any actual data or examples of why or how this would be a problem… nor how it would cost Blizzard anything.

I’ll wait till they do.

Until then support for Account Wide Ignores continues.