Can we get account wide ignore?

Come on you know Ard’s logical amswer comes from trustme.bro


If it isn’t that big of a deal then why are you so afraid of Blizz possibly listening to us and adding something like account wide ignores.

No they wouldn’t . No one said it had to be done with btags and even then the only people that would know are those that you gave your btag to and only if you logged in .

What we want is a way to block people we don’t want to deal with in here on any of their toons.

The only reason you don’t want it is because it would help prevent you from being the toxic person everyone here already knows you are by preventing you from doing your classic " It is my right to be jerk to someone then change toons to pretend I am someone else" .

Sad part is we already knw this isn’t your first time in this thread , just the first time on a toon everyone recognizes.

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No it hasn’t . Just because you keep telling this lie doesn’t make it true . Also using your own alts to agree with you is not confirmation.


Nice of you to cut off right before they say it doesn’t work right.


Spreading misinformation should be a bannable offense because legit that’s something else I’ve learned from this thread is the same people that are against account wide ignores, battletags, etc. spread lots of misinformation under the guise of it being truth without actually having any proof and then when you ask for a valid source they fail to show it and jump to an alt to support it and it’s like that doesn’t make it credible.


Technically with Battle tags actually but yes. However that was an outlier situation and has not changed my own personal stance.

There are always going to be problems with any system, the one we currently have however is extremely easy to abuse. Account Wide Ignores would fix the majority of those issues in one single action.

Blizzard should allow some form of account wide ignore feature to stem the tide of harassment from sock puppet accounts, multi-likers, multi-flaggers and ignore sidestepping. Right now its too easy to abuse.

Its an outlier situation that because we don’t yet have Account Wide Ignores we cannot say will actually work that way.

If Blizzard just makes it so you ignore someone and both you and the ignorie cannot see you or your alts and then locks you to it for instance for say like… a few days at a time?

There is no way anyone would be able to effectively do anything with that.

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Even if we were to open every last hidden post with the way we are saying of just doing it without btags, we wouldn’t necessarily know what alt belonged to who and no one is going to open every hidden post to see who is who .

What Hwanwok gave is a hypothetical .

Guess what hypothetically anything is possible . However the probability of it happening is basically zero .

Just checking, but weren’t you in favor of the temporary change where flagged posts vanished completely for a few days?


No, when it was actually in effect, weren’t you appreciative of that?


I would of thought no one would, I mean I have one at me currently and when I seen who it’s from it just says ignored content and that’s where it’s going to stay is ignored because I don’t care what that person had to say @ me.

I’d just prefer a better system like on other Blizzard forums, social media, etc. where it won’t even show my post to someone I have ignored and vice versa me with them so that hidden posts wouldn’t even exist anymore because the person after being ignored wouldn’t exist for me anymore.


just curious, but… what’s the point?

what can be accomplished by knowing someones alts?

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Some real “We investigated ourselves and found we’re good” energy here


Nah, I’m still waiting for one of you to come up with one and I’m not gonna do your homework for you…

Cause I actually did look into this in similar forums and issues that have arisen before I decided rather than just being afraid I wouldn’t be able to troll people anymore.

I looked through this thread and there are genuinely several people who are one person standing against it. And I find that suspicious. lol

I find that the benefits of the Account Wide Ignore Feature greatly, vastly, outweigh the cons of the Account Wide Ignore Feature.

Not really no. The likelihood you could do the leg work needed makes that immensely cost ineffective.

It would be like me saying I could be bitten by a Shark at the aquarium. Its very possible I’ll be someplace there that that could happen… but its so immensely unlikely that its not really worth thinking over.

Theres no evidence that people would go out of their way to try to sequester people with an Account Wide Ignore either, nor is there evidence that people would go out of their way to turn ignore on and off to try to find someones alts. lol

Who cares.

As you well know, if someone ignores you, you can just click “Change Character” and in a few seconds bypass the ignore with no effort whatsoever.


This is totally the vibe from the misinformation crowd in this thread, legit.


I mean, you do keep denying the fact that there are already threads where a setting is activated that just hides ignored posts without showing the hidden message notice, so if a change was made they could just turn that on for the forums as a whole, thus completely negating your fear.


As opposed to all the evidence we have of all your tales of horror of what will happen when people can easily ignore your troll self once and be done with it until you buy another troll account.


I absolutely love the megathreads for this exact reason but they have to become megathreads to have that setting activate and it sucks because it’s a quality of life change that is super welcome and could be forum wide even with a brand new thread.


Well we can hope.