Can we get account wide ignore?

Ah good, the usual dishonest both sides argument when one person is clearly out of line. There’s a surprise.

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It is more than one.

Except pointing fingers would be skirting the conditions of the CoC.

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We’re talking about a specific instance that is going on right now, where someone is dishonestly trying to paint the picture that someone is throwing around violent threats because they made a comment about burning bridges with some people.


I’ve noticed the same people that are dishonest about that account wide ignores would benefit the forums are the same people that troll, harass, sockpuppet, jump character to character, etc. it’s beyond ironic to me at this point because legit they just reinforce why that should become a thing.


If we’re talking about that, then we can discuss the posts being made earlier that went off-topic.

Just look at the past three posts above that quote.

Give that fair notice and then we can discuss what you want.

Gonna explain how a vivid metaphor for completely cutting ties with a person socially is inappropriate?

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And we once more get a series of post also showing the need for the ability to leave a note on a flag. In order to explain more veiled bad behavior like what is going on here.


You dodged the point and continued the smear.


It’s a bit over the top.

But very much preferable to trying to smear people as making violent threats by treating metaphors as literal.


That’s a violation of the forum Code of Conduct, is it not?

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Sure of course. But If you’re so afraid of being forum stalked why would you do that?

Either you are ok with it or you’re not. Or you’re using it to troll. I don’t really see many alternatives there.

If you’re not ok with people being able to find your alts then you won’t post on more than one character. You’ll have a specific forum main and you won’t switch for threads pertaining to certain archetypes like say a hunter thread… because you’re not ok with that.

If you are ok with that then it literally won’t matter to you at all in either case.

Only time I can see where that would be a major concern is for someone specifically using the current system to bypass ignores, troll in general, or even do things like multi-like their own posts or multi-flag other peoples posts.

Even with an account wide ignore those same trolls would still be able to use burner accounts like you’re doing. Just be more costly in the end which will greatly diminish the instances of trolling and sock puppetting.

Not sure I really actually said they couldn’t more that no one actually would realistically.

There are a few toons I will never post on such as my main specifically because I’m one of the people who doesn’t want the forums to know who my main is. The Majority of my WoW friends don’t even know who my main actually is though I’m sure they think they know…

That said I actually post on several toons in several different threads exactly for the reason that its more thematic to the thread. I’m just not afraid of people knowing who my alts are… cause I realize there is little they can do with that information. lol

So tired of people taking metaphorical statements and making them out to be something real and directed towards actual harm. Gosh so nice to devalue actual threats for your own valueless posturing.

I’ve found several of your alts in this very thread… lol

Thats with you hiding your account and using a burner account and you multi-liking, sock puppetting and probably flagging a few folk.

But if you had an account wide ignore you wouldn’t be able to see my alts nor would I be able to see yours. Cause they’d all go away.

Can you tell me how your argument leads to a person finding your alts with Account Wide Ignore? Can you give me a good realistic reason for why you should even care about it?

Lets face it bud you’ve just been pretending to even comprehend what the problem is. You’re just afraid you won’t be able to troll and sockpuppet more after a change like that goes through. Afraid you wont’ be able to use your burner account to say whatever you’d like with no accountability.


No you gave me an answer that does not answer the question.

Doobly/Uulomul, you whole entire argument against account wide ignore is because someone that you ignore someone here on this site, you have the ability to find their alts. I have refuted the argument because it is a time commitment to search through every sub-forum and every thread with a good chance that you might end up giving up (Unless your so determined) because you have so many threads to parse through just to find one alt of someone you have ignored.

Thats how I think and process your argument, If I want to find retail alts, I would just use Check-PvP or some other site to find those characters within seconds. not something that would take probably hours of looking through every thread that exists on this site and even then there is a good chance that you will never find them because some people (like me) mainly post on one character most of the time and rarely post on alts.

Now since I answered the question for you, will there probably be very few and determined people that will use account wide ignore to find alts as you ask me? probably but then again they would have to spend a good chunk of their time to do this with the possibility of finding nothing of value.

I’m glad we had this discussion, I had a lovely time engaging in discourse with you.

Have a wonderful day, friend. :slight_smile:

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I mean, if someone’s gonna go through that effort, what’s stopping them from going through the armory profile by profile to find all the alts, even ones that don’t post?


I don’t know if it is against CoC to spam quote a post.

^^ 'nough said.

This is the crux of their whole argument and it just ends up failing right here. The effort to go through means that any trolling with an Account Wide Ignore becomes inherently difficult and costly in both time and money.

They would need to spend hours combing through thread after thread, taking a person on and off ignore, so they could find them ASSUMING the other party hasn’t also ignored you thus making it so you couldn’t see them even if you wanted to, then spend money on another account to post on the forums to bypass that ignore… Which could then just be ignored again.

No one. No One. Is going to go through that amount of effort unless they were already going to do plenty worse.

With what we have now they can already just do this… they can already find you they can already harass you and even easier cause you have no recourse.

We need Account Wide Ignores.

I mean, it’s spam, which absolutely is against the rules. Be a shame if Doobly got another forum vacation because he lacks the ability to learn from past mistakes


Right now I am hoping he does then tries to get around it with another account, cause if he is caught doing that, he burns his last bridge with Blizzard and gets a permanent forum vacay.

As far as cross linking threads, the 2 actions related to that, that are against the CoC are:

  1. cross linking threads from other forums
  2. creating threads with the sole purpose of linking another post.

The funny thing is, if they really think my metaphor was a physical threat against anyone, they could report that post and have staff look at it, they did not. So either they really don’t think it is a threat or they are just trying to cause drama.

If you are commited and determined to do it. (Please dont take this out of context, I would love for you to not do it)

Its not a big deal you are making it ought to be considering I literally just told you that its a time commitment to parse through literally every single thread on this site.

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Not agreeing because your argument against account wide ignore is not a big deal considering there is thousands of threads to look through.

You post on a thread a couple of week ago on another character and it died off naturally? it is in the sea of dead threads.

They would have to search that sea high and low to find it, that means looking through every single thread.

Like I said not a big deal when you actually got the time to think through what you are saying.

If you don’t post on those alts here on those sites, they will never be found :^)

Anyways I’m done wasting my time arguing, Your argument against it is not a big deal if you go look at your argument and take the time to actually think through it like I have.