Can we get account wide ignore?

Honestly not convinced they’re not all the same person.

What is real fun is my husband was able to tell me a realistic real world issue with Account Wide Ignores that is of some concern and has actually occurred in the past on other forums where similar account wide scenarios exist.

But these folk who are so against it can’t fathom a real reason for why… Probably because they’re only concerned with using the current system to troll people.


And yet you still did not answer my question in a hypothetical scenario if Account wide ignore is implemented.

inb4 you say “But those people I have cross posted are the answer!” no they are not.

Even then, you do need to post on an alt for it to be found from the person you are ignoring currently, there are alts that I haven’t even posted on yet and they probably won’t be found, ever… unless I post on them.


They are more concerned about not being able to circumvent a account wide ignore. At this point they are proving on their own why this system is being proposed with every time they change to a alt to circumvent character blocks to continue their on going harassment and attempts to derail/get removed this thread.


who hurt you? lol
it’s gonna be ok, trust me… they are just a voice typing on the other side of the monitor… they can’t hurt you… smh…

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a necro I can get behind

Only if you post on more than the one toon. Like, in that scenario you’d have to actually post on more than your burner alt.

Which would only really be a problem for people trying to troll people on alts… funny that.


Even I mostly post on just 1 toon, if I hop it is not to troll as much as:

  1. post on a toon of the class being talked about
  2. prove a point
  3. it is a “fun” topic like the rate the Tmog ones

There are toons I have never posted on, and toons I don’t play much so even if they fond me via the alts they really could not do much.

Dang, you are good at twisting peoples words, also welcome back from your vacation… still making the same mistakes I see.


Oh good, you’re back. :roll_eyes:


And basically spam quoting this :point_down:

Either way, the dude still continues to bark up a tree about he has his “Verifiable facts” and I call that into question on who is willing to dig through the site on hours on end just to find your alts that have posted here if hypothetically this change is live and tries to dodge it because he knows his answer would kill his entire argument against account wide ignore.


this trash post just delete all other characters and pay for another account

Oh good, I see the polite honest people are doing the lie horribly about what other people say and treat a statement about metaphorically burning bridges with some sort of physical threat. Very classy.


No thats not the answer I have been looking for, answer this properly without spam quoting Antiman’s post over and over again and cross posting some posts that are asking for their mains.

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Wonder why they were spam quoting that.

This all leads back to posters carrying grudges.

Which is why this debate will never end, until Blizzard makes a more formal statement that isn’t 6-7 months old now.


Nah, it goes to people arguing in bad faith who don’t have an actual argument when asked for one and then resort to personal attacks when that becomes clear.


No matter how aggrieved a poster feels, doesn’t justify them acting inappropriately either.

Which is why the former topics where closed.


Hey, if people come in trolling to get people riled up, is that not inappropriate action

Maybe if some left well enough alone and decided not to toll, those topics would not have been closed and we would have no reason to start up new ones.


The only one acting inappropriately right now is Uul treating a statement about cutting people off as if it was a threat of physical violence. Which is a rather horribly malicious thing to do.


Pointing fingers doesn’t make posters go away.

Just fans the flames of hatred when you think you’re in the absolute right.

No here is an expert on the forums and no one here can persuade Blizzard otherwise.

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