Can we get account wide ignore?

I mean, this is the sort of deadlock like the one between science and the people who believe in a flat earth. Only one side really has anything behind it.


And the other side really needs to walk off the edge :stuck_out_tongue:


I disagree.

Which will keep this dance going on and on…

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hey now. It’s all true you know. We aussies are just actors hiding in some remote location in the amazon jungle. But dont tell anyone


Your secret’s safe with me, I don’t want to be found dead of drop bear under mysterious circumstances


He has to talk in circles; he doesn’t have an effective, convincing counter-argument. Because he doesn’t believe his own schtick. I’ll give him credit for being less insincere than Doobly (a bar so low you could set a limbo record), but he’s still no more genuine.


Pretty sure he does. He’s a serial liar who believe his own lies. Just look at all this previous post from Ard to Bloody


I’m pretty sure the difference between his actual intelligence and the level of intelligence he’s presenting here is a lot lower than a lot of us initially expected.

Seems like the conversation has shifted towards personal grievances than forum functionality.

…and posters wonder why there isn’t good reason not to give these forums more systems that will be abused or exploited…

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When you get around to explaining how it would be abused realistically I’m sure folk will change their minds and seek another solution that has a better result.

Until then account wide ignores would absolutely be better than the current, easily abused, system.


It isn’t a question of whether something works or not.

Its a question of whether giving posters more tools to isolate posters is such a good idea when so many are clearly more interested in getting revenge than actually ignoring someone, when they already have the capacity to do so.


He’s so far failed to convince a good number of people that this rampant abuse he’s scared of is even possible, for either this or the btag threads, which he has spent the past 6+ months trying to derail.


Exactly. That’s all he, and his friends, can do. Attempt to derail and get shut down any discussion that will infringe on his self declared right to annoy people.

His claims that it will lead to blacklisting are laughable at best.
The current system would already have that as a problem… yet it doesn’t.
What he is terrified of is people being able to block him, as a account, instead of having to block each individual whack-a-troll character he brings in. Same with his clown car friends.


See above or below.


No, because then people would know all my alts, and I value my privacy.

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this should be avoided at all costs as it would open the door for harassment


Oh wow. Three hidden replies in a row.


Me wanting a change (either be btags or account wide ignore) here on this site does not equal to me being vindictive, having hatred towards you or other members here or trying to play “Moderator”.

I have asked this question to Doobly/Uulomul a couple of times already and I will ask you this.

Hypothetically if this change goes through, you have a couple of threads being made here everyday and to someone to find your alts is that they would have to dig deeper to find them. Who is willing spend hours and hours of their day surfing this site with you on ignore just to find your alts here on this site?

Check-PvP also exists and you can find alts of retail characters within seconds.


I was just thinking this same thing and I didn’t unhide any of them because I know none of them add anything that I actually care to see or read which is why they are blocked.


People bring up real, not everyday problem: No! That’s not real and if I ignore what people are saying then everything is perfect!

Someone brings up impossible hypothetical situation: Yes, that is a smart point and will definitely happen if we do anything about the real problems.