Can we get account wide ignore?

As much as this would be a fringe and unlikely to actually occur event. Yeah I agree with this.

Its not really feasible in the first place to actually keep everyone on the same page for something like that.

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Forums needs to block someone from being able to use more than one toon in the same thread at the very least.

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I feel like at the very least there needs to be an easy way to tell when a character is from the same account, not just for telling trolls, but I mean, as shown again in this thread, people will make characters to impersonate others, so it’d be nice to have a way for some one being impersonated to be able to show who their characters are.


Demonizing one side or the other isn’t going to get you forum improvements any faster.


i’m not gonna feel sorry or make excuses for people who harass and stalk others but you do you boo


Some may say that putting everyone who disagrees with you into a single box is a gross mischaracterization of posters on these forums, as well as an oversimplification of an over blown issue.

If you find someone describing what you are doing to be “demonizing” you, then you should really be thinking long and hard about what you are doing.


It’s hard to take the person calling out the ‘demonizing’ too seriously as most of what they have contributed to this thread is either conspiracy theorizing about the forums magically uniting to blacklist people, or going and smearing the people who don’t agree with them as being horrible people.

Or you know, basically demonizing everyone who disagrees with them, and then projecting that onto everyone else.


Given the history attached to these topics, this is more about posters bearing grudges than it being an overwhelming concern for the functionality of the forums.

Since trolls and sock puppets don’t run this forum to the extent that is being claimed otherwise.

And here you’re doing the thing where you’re misrepresenting the request people are making.

I know I don’t and don’t think most people believe it’s a problem that they run the forums. But sock puppets and ban evading trolls are a problem that does exist, you may not run into it all the time, but when you do it would be nice if we could actual deal with the problem instead of minorly inconvenience the problem. It’s like a first aid kit, you don’t get one for your house or car expecting to use it all the time, but when you do need to use it you want it to be there.

It’s a QOL request.


Aye, but for some it means their QOL goes DOWN while it goes UP for others. I only have this to say as far as that: if your QOL is based on your ability to be a PITA to others, you must have a pretty sucky life.


I mean some of these posters pretty much admitted that the only reason they subbed to wow is so they can access the forums. Sad that this is their only form of human interaction


Not as sad as thinking one like me, that argues for Account Wide Ignore, is arguing against such due to them not reading and thinking/comprehending.

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I think at this point they’re just arguing to argue. Considering that if they really hate the subject so much 1 would think they’d stop replying and kill the thread

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Eh, I was called out for it on another thread, but it just shows how some get stuck in their views and no one can knock them from it.

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Some people are wrong or factually incorrect though, im afraid.

There is one box in front of us that is called “people who harass and stalk other people”.

You are either in that box or you’re not.


well there goes their “grudge” argument down the drain then.

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Sadly, it was Sendryn that called me out on being against Account wide ignore

I think posters across the board would want to be aware of the stigma attached to the push for these kinds of changes.

This isn’t an up and down issue as posters claim it to be and if not handled correctly could cause disaster on what remains of these forums.

And that has what to do with you putting words in other people’s mouths?