Can we get account wide ignore?

Well, technically it is, it is the one who puts the ignore in place judging the one ignored as not being worth their time :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean, that’s a pretty loose definition. It’s not like there’s any consequence beyond “A person doesn’t see what you wrote” (and possibly reverse if they change it that way) for the person ignored. Ard there keeps acting like the forums are gonna go all hive mind and banish people to the forbidden zone with the ignore


That would only happen if everyone ignored them, in which case they might not be banished there, but might as well be since they burned all their bridges.

Yup. It seems pretty unlikely to ever come close to happening. I mean this thread earlier showed how even when someone’s being obviously bad faith it’s hard to keep people from responding to them

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Sometimes it is better to let the bridges burn ,place them on ignore than to see what will happen to those around them. You can’t say anything productive to them because of a dominating persona playing games with others. So ignore is the best solution ,if it is account wide so be it.

It’s a block button, not a judicial trial.

"Once again you said it so masterfully well articulated friendly home slice bread slice :slight_smile: "


Imagine seeing an alt army crossing over a corvine. That would be interesting.

I used to play this RTS game not too dissimilar from Warcraft 3. It was Tiberian Sun Firestorm and the final mission had you go toe to toe with an indestructible god-like machine of pure Lovecraftian horror. The Cabal Core Defender unit could not be destroyed. It was a race to attack the core before the giant mech wiped out your base.

There was one mechanic that let you cheat the game though. You had to bait the Core Defender towards chasing your units across a bridge. Wait for it to cross and, right as it’s in the middle of the bridge, you fire that ION particle canon from space, completely destroying the entire sections of the bridge instantly.

Anything that falls off the bridge is instantly destroyed VIA instant death mechanic, including the Core Defender.

To blast that unit to smitherines is one of the best cheese strats in the game.

This is how I see when people try to argue w/ Ard


You don’t need to look much farther than in this thread alone to see and know that any more intense lockdown features on these forums will be weaponized against posters.

Posts that simply disagree with unpopular opinions or whose opinion doesn’t align with a tribes playstyle would be isolated and black listed as I’ve mentioned already before since there’s nothing to stop posters from coordinating their blocks through organization via channels not strictly monitored by Blizzard.

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This current system of easy to access limitless chances to evade ignores is not working and needs to be patched. It’s not an everyday issue, but it is one that when it shows up it would be nice to have it.


Ah… so Ard is continuing his nonsense spewing of conspiracy theory talk. Meanwhile, his friends, have demonstrated the flaws in the current system by circumventing blocks to continue to engage with people who do not want to engage with them.


Seriously, acting like the forums could lock people out when we can’t even lock out the burner account trolls in this thread


Considering only Blizzard can take away his voice on the forums.
But he is gonna continue with his nonsense conspiracy theories because he doesn’t really have a argument against the proposed changes… he just doesn’t want it to be easier to ignore his and other people’s nonsense.


Hey everyone here in entitled to determine to judge if another person is worth their time or not.

No one has the right to be heard by everyone . We only have the right to be heard by those that choose to do so .

People having the capacity to ignore others is not abuse and in no way is censorship because Blizz will still allow people to post as long as they don’t violate CoC and others choosing to hear what the person/s has to say .


I have Judgement of my spell bars, I judgement people all day.

Ah, the Orwellian dystopia that is a future where people choose to not interact with you of their own volition


You guys still arguing in circles in here? I gotta say that is some dedication.

They argue about opposing very basic tools that would help prevent people stalking and harassing others on here. ergo they are in favor of harassing and stalking.

all the while the crocodile tears army tries to entertain that by trying to act all cute about it but is actually doing more harm in the process


I’m not gonna disagree with this assessment because I believe you’re right - to an extent. It would be impossible to launch an undetected campaign so large and convincing that everyone who uses GD would ignore somebody. Sure there’ll probably be groups who do but by and large I don’t think it’s even feasible.

On the same vein if someone does find themselves being ignored by scores of people it might be beneficial for that individual to consult the person in their mirror and ask why.