Can we get account wide ignore?

Tell me when you find one :rofl:

We figured that out 7 hours ago

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Thank you for contributing to this conversation.

This is further proof that we need easier ways to put people on ignore and that an account wide system for ignores would be beneficial.

Having to go so far out of the way to avoid someone who is actively hampering your ability to hide their posts is too much.

I’m glad we can agree that we need an overhaul to allow for account wide ignores on the forums to fix this entirely broken system!

Thanks again, I enjoy our conversations, I hope you have a great evening! :slight_smile:


Hello comrade, i would like to personally say thank you for contributing to this conversation.

i would like to kindly remind you that your opinion is not correct, unfortunately… since there is no good system currently to ignore someone, only their character, so we really do “need” an easier and better system to do it, since we are not currently able to ignore anyone we want currently.

Since we do not have an ignore system on the forums to ignore people but only characters, its important that you ask for such understanding.

thank you again for your contributions to this thread, though. I do appreciate it very much.

i hope you have a wonderful evening :slight_smile:


Sorry, just woke up. Hadn’t had a chance to scroll through everything.


We sure can use it that’s for sure.

I guess the small pizzaria down the street near me that got robbed last week must have not been polite.


well here’s the thing Khrog. Currently I have 3 of your toons blocked. This is now toon number 4 that I’ll be blocking after this message. I like nothing to do w/ you considering that you’re just an attention seeker. I should click 1 button and have all your alts on ignore and any alts you have not created yet. But thanks for the engaging conversation which we here are all aware the type of troll you are.


I see the rudest poster is doing the “Everyone should be more polite” thing again.


Im sure the first question the investigation asked was: “Well did you say please and thank you?”


Oooof… you know what Account Wide Ignore needs added to it… a complete filter of a blocked person. Your quote of the person I have blocked shows whatever nonsense they had to say on whatever subject they were nonsensing about this time.


They are informing me that anything bad that happens to someone is really there fault for not being polite.


Yeah… that’s the victim blaming tactic.


Bullies are infamous for that .

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is it me or there are a few post that got deleted in this thread from last night?


Seems to be the case.

Hope its a full solution to that brand of trolling…

It seems any topic asking for accountability, or the ability to deal with those that don’t want to be held accountable, is going to be trolled to no end.


You give players any capacity to pass judgement on one another and it will inevitably be abused.

You give people a way to be protected from consequences and they will pretty much inevitably be the worst they can possibly be to others.


Even that when confected doesn’t work they still hounddoggle you for even that, so who is more ?

Well it’s a good thing that an ignore isn’t judgement, it’s just a way for someone to not have to interact with someone else.

Silly mistake to make there.