Can we get account wide ignore?

Because I’m a Customer Support MVP and have been posting the the CS forums for many years. As a result, I’ve seen firsthand how broken the forum ignore is (as proven by the person you quoted) and how often people are harassed or trolled by people that they actually tried to ignore, but have hopped onto other characters to continue their garbage posting.

Same with the in-game ignore. It’s pretty pathetic the way it currently works and needs a refresh to actually work as a real ignore system.


Oh I’m sorry… I see that you have chosen to @ me but see… I’ve had you blocked for quite some time because I do not wish to engage in any discussion with you because you choose to disrupt threads, attempt to get threads shutdown, and generally harass people.

At least you, unlike your 2 friends, haven’t started alt hopping… yet. The fact that we are forced to ignore each alt is ridiculous. So thank you for demonstrating, thru your own actions, why a Account Wide Ignore system needs to be added to the forums.

I see you over there furiously typing on your keyboard. Most people no longer care what you have to say and have blocked you. I don’t care what you have to say either.



Right… all they need to do is make the ignore list account bound instead of character bound.


because this battletag/ignore thing isnt new. we’ve been talking about the crap since like jan when this all started lol. hell i was one of the main ppl in the topics and now i just come and go bc what else can we all honestly actually say anymore? like its tiresome

we’ve rehearsed the script to the ground now. like blizz doesnt care that much. the sockpuppet thing isnt as bad as it use to be. its only prolly within this topic but who cares? the only bad troll was talun, who even the mods pointed out. since then, we’ve just had your normal troll and a sunday thread.

people are just making things out bigger than it is lol. like think about it, if it REALLY was that bad blizzard would have really done something by now and they did with talun, no one else is as nearly as bad.


Then perhaps don’t make personal replies or quote posts I make?

It would make ignoring me far easier.

What point is there in giving the forums a better ignore when people are just going to misuse it anyway.


i’d wager at this point a heafty heaping majority of my ignores are all coming from this thread specifically.

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I mean, when you have to go and make new sock puppets because you know most people in the topic has you on ignore.


I think this is a great idea, would clean up a lot of these low effort :troll:s who just hop from alt to alt.



Yes and no.

When blizz issues a statement, it is usually couched in the form of weasel politician speak. That means they will never say anything as an absolute.

The current version of ignore system is a form of account wide ignore. But it just so happens to be absolutely nothing like what people think when you tell them “account wide ignore”. Much like when a politician says they’ll be “tough on crime”, when what they actually mean is that they’ll just give kick backs to police departments for them to embezzle. Or when companies say “lifetime guarantee”, when what they actually mean is that there is an extremely limited and basically completely useless product guarantee that is only guaranteed to not help you when the product fails.

Has Doobly had an original thought lately? All I’ve seen him do the past couple of weeks is parrot Ard.

I hope he hasn’t suffered a stroke. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Quite the dubious assumption, as this would imply they had one to begin with. As far as this topic is concerned, I don’t think that’s the case.


Ok Ard, whatever you say.

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Uulomul is Doobly so I wouldn’t really say he is ard.

he is not really worth arguing in all honesty, all he does in this thread is bait people into merry-go-round arguments, best is to put those two characters on ignore (ignore on this site is so perfect that you have to ignore 2 characters from the same person!) and move along.


This is where they will twist and take out of context what you said. I’m pretty sure my sarcasm meter went off thou.

A better system where we ignore just 1 of the characters and the whole account is blocked from interacting with us again. One of them has taken to circumventing blocks by using the like button to taunt posters now. This shouldn’t be allowed. It should be a total black out to prevent them from interacting at all with the poster that has them ignored.

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It reminds me of that dwarf guy that replies to everyone in the same almost scripted or automated response like “hello, I see you have directed this message in my general direction”.

Actual npc stuff. sometimes i wonder if they are a bot


Actually most of are sure it’s the same person .

Hello, I see you posted a thread about ignoring. Haha, this is a great idea! To be honest, I’m not sure why it’s not a thing already! When you want to ignore someone, you generally are trying to ignore the person behind the screen, not the avatar they are currently being displayed as, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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And that’s exactly what they did.

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