Can we get account wide ignore?

Aside from a few like Gutshredda, this thread was likely close to dying naturally , of course one of the pests had to remind us they are still here and keep replying so it does not die.

Again, if you want these discussions to die, don’t post or reply to them trying to get others to blow up so you can report them and get the thread closed, doing so just makes it so more will pop up later.


Conclusion: We need account wide ignore.


Congrats on 3k everyone. :tada:


One thing about “health of the forum community” in order for the community to be healthy, we need to be able to ignore pests that get under our skin and want nothing to do with/ Forcing others to engage with you is NOT healthy, more so after they block you because they don’t want to deal with you.

If we don’t get account wide ignore, give the topic creators the ability to kick and block certain people from posting in their topic and trying to get around it by alt hopping results in a forum vacay.

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account wide ignores would be delightful, if for no other reason than to just cancel out all the ahem crocodile tears.

I mean you can see the result already, they’ve massed flagged your posts into oblivion.

There’s no reasonable ground to have a civil discussion on these forums.


So based on what you said being true blizzard essentially lied when they said oh yeah in patch 9.1.5 (or whatever) we added account wide ignore. That’s a mighty easy loophole.

I use my internal ignore these days which is I simply don’t give AF about any jerks in game. I’ll leave all possible chat channels so to can’t whisper if you yell I won’t see it if you use say I won’t see it. Not to mention I’m pretty thick skinned about it so even I see it I’m normally oblivious to it.

Haha, I noticed someone seemed to give themselves always. They always do, eventually.


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Yes, because the person has been trolling and intentionally circumventing blocks to continue interacting with people that have chosen to block him. You’re point?

You and your friends were never interested in a civil discussion on this subject. You and your friends have entered this thread and previous threads dealing with this subject with the intent to have the thread locked and 404’d. That is, by definition, trolling and is clearly harassment.


Hilarious reminder that over 1/3 of the posts in here are done by 2 people who jump alts regularly to get around ignores to continue to harass people


And this is why we need Account Wide Ignore.
All they have succeeded in doing is highlighting how much this is needed.
One simple click and all of their alts and main poster id would no longer be
able to engage, disrupt, or harass people who have chosen to no longer want to engage in their antics. This makes them scared… they won’t be able to bully people anymore.


Problem is people get in relationships and then people stalk them in game on every toon, I assume thats why op said account wide ignore

There’s a 100 character ignore limit I assume and we’re allowed to post with 60 retail, 50 classic base, 50 WoLK and delete create characters to walk around ignores.

Ignore account wide won’t fill up my ignore limit list just for one persons alt army.


This is a mood for real, for real, case and point this thread and how many of the same people jumping from alt to alt I’ve had to ignore because legit it should be one and done. :100: :100: :100:


I have a feeling they are interested in “civil” discussion, where “civil” means they can pester and harass others without having to face consequences.


Was listening to Pandora at work and tjis song came on and made me think of the anti account wide ignore crowd.

Who are you? Where ya been? Where ya from?
Gossip is burning on the tip of your tongue
You lie so much, you believe yourself
Judge not lest ye be judged yourself

Holier than thou
You are
Holier than thou
You are
You know not


Then blizzard shows up with the Judas Priest:


And tells them

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Yea i wonder why an MVP would make a post tho, or there was a green post in there somewhere

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At this point I’d say that posters are conflating their own hurt, as a justification for violating CoC on their own account which has caused this conversation and others to spiral each and every time, since they’ve never been meaningfully addressed according to their own case or circumstances.

Waging war on one or two posters isn’t going to magically fix these forums…and even getting everyone on one page isn’t going to make Blizzard move any faster.

These forums are fine as they are. You do not see sockpuppets or trolls reigning supreme over them.